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oil pressure

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  • oil pressure

    hi guys. on tick over the oil pressure is blow the line, and when im driving up the road it just about goes over the line. the oil levels are fine. i dont know what else to check

  • #2
    have no fear mine is just the same and all running fine.
    just keep the oil changes up to date and you'll be ok.


    • #3
      cool cheers for the help


      • #4

        Originally posted by toyboata View Post
        hi guys. on tick over the oil pressure is blow the line, and when im driving up the road it just about goes over the line. the oil levels are fine. i dont know what else to check
        your surf is 15 years old she is a s u v not person. at that age all cars have small niggles even the ones that have just came off the line with zero miles on

        we buy them because

        1 .of the low mileage

        2.a better interior

        3.low rust

        4.and they are the coolest looking 4x4 of the 90s

        as stromforce sad love thy surf feed her the best oil your money can buy

        i do an oil 4 x a year or every 3 months its a good
        Last edited by jeff.fn02jwa; 26 February 2008, 19:32.
        S S R G is the only way to surf

        scottish mud club member kerelawsurf

