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Anyone got the paint codes to hand?

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  • Anyone got the paint codes to hand?

    Need to get some repairs done to the truck, but how do I find out what the paint codes are? Mine is a metallic sort of burgundy with grey bumper and arches. It's mostly the grey I need.

    If anyone knows the code or even just what the colour is called, much appreciated.

  • #2
    offhand the paintcode for burgundy over grey is T21 but i'm probably wrong. It's on you VIN plate.
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Oh Christ is it really on the VIN plate? The repairer never mentioned to look there, just to ask the garage I bought it from etc! Right I'll have a look, many thanks.


      • #4
        OK, the colour code from the VIN plate is 25T, TRIM is GV11. Does the "TRIM" relate to the bumper+arches? Spoke to the local Toyota dealer and he says that on "the system" as the car's an import it doesn't give him paint codes. Will these codes be all that the bodyshop need or should they need some more. Trying to get hold of them at the mo..........


        • #5
          25T is a combined paintcode for the burgundy and the grey, according to this the http://www.mr2sc.com/websites/Reference/paint.htm two separate paints it defines are 3J8 for the burgundy and 179 for the grey. The dealer really should have been able to tell you that even if he couldn't get your paint code by putting your chassis# into the EPC he should have been able to get the 25T off the VIN plate then look it up manually, the bodyshop will pobably get it from the 25T anyway.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            Thank you nero279, almost at the same time as you posted that I managed to get the helpful folks at Milners to give me the same info, so now even more confident as it all matches. The guys at the local Toyota dealer have actually been really helpful and tried putting in all the codes, paint code, frame number etc but it doesn't come up on their system. I was actually ordering other parts at the time so they weren't just trying to get rid of me!


            • #7
              .............metallic sort of burgundy .............???????

              How very dare you!


              • #8
                Re Paint codes

                Sorry to pour oil on troubled water but,

                The code ain't worth a jot.

                It might in Japan but in the UK it just means Red with whatever trim spec.

                My surf had cracked wheel arches and I had a repairshop guy take a look.

                He idetified the colour sure enough and mixed me a bit of pant to do the job.

                If you need a drop of paint I might have some left but its acrylic and might have frozen in me shed.

                The Burgandy might be a problem though.

                The best option is to go to a repair shop as I did to get a colour match.
                The guy who mixed mine was very good and got it down to a tee.

                It will be a water based and will require a good gloss top coat and this is the problem that I have.
                But as the car is going nowhere I can wait till good weather.

                I used a rattle can for a quick repair to a door but it's not right and not as good as I would like if I was selling.
                If someone can give an idea of a good burgandy that would be nice.

                failing that it's back to the paint guy.

                Sorry it ain't an answer
                But at least you won't waste money of paint that don't match.




                • #9
                  Ah, I see, well the bodyshop is going to get the paint mixed up by a paint supplier and I've told him that it aint down to me - he has to match the paint. So we'll see, maybe this is going to be yet another saga!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by StevenN View Post
                    Sorry to pour oil on troubled water but,

                    The code ain't worth a jot.

                    It might in Japan but in the UK it just means Red with whatever trim spec.

                    My surf had cracked wheel arches and I had a repairshop guy take a look.

                    He idetified the colour sure enough and mixed me a bit of pant to do the job.

                    If you need a drop of paint I might have some left but its acrylic and might have frozen in me shed.

                    The Burgandy might be a problem though.

                    The best option is to go to a repair shop as I did to get a colour match.
                    The guy who mixed mine was very good and got it down to a tee.

                    It will be a water based and will require a good gloss top coat and this is the problem that I have.
                    But as the car is going nowhere I can wait till good weather.

                    I used a rattle can for a quick repair to a door but it's not right and not as good as I would like if I was selling.
                    If someone can give an idea of a good burgandy that would be nice.

                    failing that it's back to the paint guy.

                    Sorry it ain't an answer
                    But at least you won't waste money of paint that don't match.


                    3J8 is the correct match for the burgundy finish, grey primer to start and clear coat to finish.

                    I bought a litre tin to spray my bonnet with and it matches perfectly.

                    I got it from Autopaints, paint and panel suppliers.


                    • #11
                      re paint codes

                      Cheers Vince

                      Is it a universal code that the likes of halfrauds will do?

                      I will have to get some when the weathers better.

