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Cold starting

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  • Cold starting

    before I start, i did a search of sorts, but not quite answered my query

    how long do you wait for cold starting plugs in Mornings?


    The Cold weather has unsurprisingly revealed a problem,

    1....Engine turns over sluggishly (obviously) but if it fails to fire up quickly, it kills batteries.

    2...took truck back to battery shop. they checked the now (out of guarantee batteries)
    but say they are not cause
    "we can sell you Two new Ones but you don't need new set right now"
    suggested either connections poor somewhere, or
    starter motor failing.

    Where might i start looking at connections, and is a Starter motor worth replacing on spec.

    thank you

  • #2
    Turn the ignition on and wait for the beep - (which has nothing to do with the starting circuit, but just happens to happen at around the same time u should hear a relay clunk, which is the glowplug relay switching from pre-heat to afterglow, this is when the plugs and therefore fuel are at their hottest)

    If you're already doing this, or it doesn't help -

    - Check both battery earth straps are ok - one for each battery. Just make sure the connections on the battery and wing are tight and not overly corroded.

    - It wouldn't be uncommon for a starter motor to need servicing or replacing, normally before the starter motor needs replacing you will start to just get one click as you try and crank the engine sometimes, then try again and it will go after the 2nd or 3rd go.
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Originally posted by henry F
      "we can sell you Two new Ones but you don't need new set right now"
      suggested either connections poor somewhere, or
      starter motor failing.
      Toyota's starter motor design is a bit odd, and tends to dies suddenly rather than slowly.
      Cold weather kills batteries. Try a top-up and a conditioning tablet.

      I'd bet dead batteries before dead starter.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cataclysm
        Toyota's starter motor design is a bit odd, and tends to dies suddenly rather than slowly.
        Cold weather kills batteries. Try a top-up and a conditioning tablet.

        I'd bet dead batteries before dead starter.
        A pair of decent batterys will crank the motor for ages. As I said in the other post, did they disconnect one battery before checking them?
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Sorry TonyN I was positive I'd posted a response
          to your suggestion.

          But yes as you suggested, he tested batteries in-situ
          so in effect of course, looking at One big battery working badly,
          instead of seeing One battery dragging the other with it.
          I've seen a hydrometer at work, what should I be looking for using that,

          or just go somewhere else and get them read whilst unhooked from each other?

          also, there is no beep and I've held the key over listening for it without success,

          whats the time scale typically,
          15/30 Seconds


          • #6
            A 3 Litre 2nd gen may not beep, I wait about 15 secs then start it.

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #7

              In my case more luck than judgment then,
              the light goes out after Five Seconds which seems too soon a prompt,
              I always give it a further 5-10 Secs
              so likely about right



              • #8
                Originally posted by henry F
                In my case more luck than judgment then,
                the light goes out after Five Seconds which seems too soon a prompt,
                I always give it a further 5-10 Secs
                so likely about right

                Sounds about right

                I turn the key to get the lights up and the plugs heating, then do battle fitting the stereo facia, that seems to work quite well.

                Once started (I am not into being mean to my batteries) I then turn on my fuel heater to warm me veg oil.
                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

