Does anyone know anything about the electric sunroofs ? I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Basicly the back of the sunroof seems to have dropped about 1/2 an inch and no longer sits flush, also the sunroof won't open with the electrics, I can do it maunualy tho. When you press the switch for the sunroof all that happens is that the motor runs but doesn't seem to wind the roof.
There is a brighter side tho, at least the roof aint leaking !!!..........yet !
Does anyone know anything about the electric sunroofs ? I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Basicly the back of the sunroof seems to have dropped about 1/2 an inch and no longer sits flush, also the sunroof won't open with the electrics, I can do it maunualy tho. When you press the switch for the sunroof all that happens is that the motor runs but doesn't seem to wind the roof.
There is a brighter side tho, at least the roof aint leaking !!!..........yet !
