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??? Head gone ??? 2.4Td 92

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  • ??? Head gone ??? 2.4Td 92

    I have just bought (2 weeks ago) a Surf ssrx 2.4Td 92 K reg auto from a dealer!! (mistake No1) I Love (or loved!!) it, I have done about 200 miles since then, when I bought it the Brake warning light was on, I was told it was a sensor from the hand brake and easy to fix, stupidly I believed him untill 3 days ago it wouldnt stop!! the brake warning light was on due to the fact there was NO pad left on the drivers side front brake!!! ANYWAY that was easy to fix..... NOW! today it overheated for no apparent reason, there is no visible water in the engine and the expansion tank was full of water with air blowing in from the engine and an aroma of exhaust!! Is it the dreaded Head??
    What is the best thing to do now? do I phone Stevo?? how do I know which is the best garage for the job, I am really worried as I intended on using this vehicle to tow my horse trailer, I dont want to spend a fortue doing the head if its going to go again, etc etc.... Is there anywhere else to get heads from? I am in the Midlands near Malvern worcs. Lu

  • #2
    Originally posted by Lu-lu
    I have just bought (2 weeks ago) a Surf ssrx 2.4Td 92 K reg auto from a dealer!! (mistake No1) I Love (or loved!!) it, I have done about 200 miles since then, when I bought it the Brake warning light was on, I was told it was a sensor from the hand brake and easy to fix, stupidly I believed him untill 3 days ago it wouldnt stop!! the brake warning light was on due to the fact there was NO pad left on the drivers side front brake!!! ANYWAY that was easy to fix..... NOW! today it overheated for no apparent reason, there is no visible water in the engine and the expansion tank was full of water with air blowing in from the engine and an aroma of exhaust!! Is it the dreaded Head??
    What is the best thing to do now? do I phone Stevo?? how do I know which is the best garage for the job, I am really worried as I intended on using this vehicle to tow my horse trailer, I dont want to spend a fortue doing the head if its going to go again, etc etc.... Is there anywhere else to get heads from? I am in the Midlands near Malvern worcs. Lu
    sorry to say but it does sound loike the head has cracked,but you wont know for sure until it has been stripped down,it may just be a head gasket but fairly unlikely.stevo is your best bet.he will collect the vehicle as wellAND YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT THE JOB DONE WILL BE A GOODUN.


    • #3
      There seems to be a lot of Malvern members all of a sudden!


      • #4
        Oh B****r, Before I bought this car I did a search on google for problems with this model, obviously I didnt find anything!! untill After the event and I joined this group! Thankyou for your advice, when you find someone with magic fixing dust can you send them my way!! :0) from a very soon to be even poor'er Lu lu!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          There seems to be a lot of Malvern members all of a sudden!
          thats three on here in the last half hour. whats apache been doing.???


          • #6
            Sad news, but heard too often on the 2.4. Symptoms are exactly the same as mine when it went. Have you checked to see if there's a stat present or not. Mine had been removed for obvious reasons. Best case could be new stat and rad cap, worst case, Head!!!
            Stevo will be your best bet if you're gonna keep it and will cost around £1000. Well worth it if you're gonna keep it. Don't send it to a garage cos you'll prob pay the same as Stevo but only get a standard head. Stevo's are uprated and he fits them all day long. Good luck


            • #7
              Originally posted by surfenstein
              thats three on here in the last half hour. whats apache been doing.???
              Breaking all local surfs!!


              • #8
                Don't lose heart with. Try and bully the dealer into paying some of the cost, 2 weeks till it broke isn't really much good, it was probably knackered before you got it, and it took 2 weeks to lose enough water to then overheat.

                The truck is worthless as it is, if you throw it away you still need to buy another truck to tow with, so getting it fixed is still probably the cheaper option.

                Once its done you'll be sorted.
                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #9
                  What is a stat and a red cap? (sorry to be thick), quick question why does it have 2 batteries?
                  Need to learn everything I can about this now! intreiged I am not a typical pink girl!!!! :0)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by surfenstein
                    thats three on here in the last half hour. whats apache been doing.???
                    Apache,s been driving round Malvern (my home town also) showing us what is needed in the mountainous range that is the Malvern hills.


                    • #11
                      Have you spoken to the dealer about it? If you get nowhere getting the dealer to fix it, go to trading standards, or citizens advise centre. If the brakes are shot then he has sold you a car in a dangerous never mind unmerchantable condition. He either has to fix it(properly) or give you your money back.
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        Thanks TONYN I will stick with it as underneath its a great vehicle, just could do without it this side of christmas, anyway! I shall call Stevo tomorrow. I shall be on the phone to the dealer tomorrow too!!


                        • #13
                          Hi and welcome, sorry it's not the best way to start.

                          Have you got legal cover with your insurance company? If so get in touch and explain whats happened as you should have a case under the sale of goods act. Good luck.

                          ps head went on mine and since it's been replaced I've had no problems When my surf does eventually die (or I kill it) I will be getting another one.
                          My other cars a QUAD
                          (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lu-lu
                            What is a stat and a red cap? (sorry to be thick), quick question why does it have 2 batteries?
                            Need to learn everything I can about this now! intreiged I am not a typical pink girl!!!! :0)
                            Sorry, a thermostst and a radiator cap. The two batteries usually come with the 2nd gens with the winter pack ie the rear heater.
                            ps, when you do learn everything you can come do all the work on mine and teach me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Antshiel
                              Sorry, a thermostst and a radiator cap. The two batteries usually come with the 2nd gens with the winter pack ie the rear heater.
                              ps, when you do learn everything you can come do all the work on mine and teach me.

                              Every post facelift (flush headlight) 2.4 or 3.0 2nd Gen Surf has 2 batteries. Only non-winter pack 3rd Gens, petrol and 89-91 2.4 Surfs had 1 battery.

                              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

