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new to forum and surfs

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  • new to forum and surfs

    Hi guys

    I think im being stupid but i cant get my front left wheel off. i take all the bolts of but i just cant get it to budge. the reason i need to take the wheel off is there is a screeching sound when the wheel is turning. i think its the break but if any1 has any ideas it would be most appreciated



  • #2
    Originally posted by toyboata
    Hi guys

    I think im being stupid but i cant get my front left wheel off. i take all the bolts of but i just cant get it to budge. the reason i need to take the wheel off is there is a screeching sound when the wheel is turning. i think its the break but if any1 has any ideas it would be most appreciated


    I take it you got alloy wheels on the truck ?

    If so a few hefty kicks on the tyres at various points will break the seal with the steel axle.

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      ok will try that


      • #4
        They stick on ....when you get them off oil the hub after cleaning ....

        I have had to use a 6' bar as a lever on one in the past

        Oh welcome to the nut house .......Just watch out for the squirrel


        • #5
          hello and welcome
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            i find a block of wood on the inside of the wheel and a big rubber mallet to hit the wood does the trick for me, obviously dont hit direct on to a wheel balance weight. oh and leave one nut on loose so wheel dont fall straight on the floor.


            • #7
              and dont knock it off the axle stands you will feel very silly!!!
              it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


              • #8
                If you've got screeching when the wheel's just turning (not only when braking) and the wheel is hard to get off, have a look for signs of over-heating and have a feel turning the hub with the wheel off (should be really smooth). might show bearing/CV problems.


                • #9
                  cheers for the help guys will have a look when i have a spare 5 mins


                  • #10
                    heres a dodgey 1 for you slacken all the nutts and drive the vehicle for a short distance while steering like a F1 driver on warm up, then jack up and remove........................ .............................. .....
                    works for me....

                    BTW welcome abroad
                    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                    • #11
                      wouldnt i just end up on my axle with w heel roling down the road?


                      • #12
                        And maybe bent wheel studs! Best take it off as gently as possible and have some copper grease ready when you put it back on. (Oh, and don't get any on the brakes!)


                        • #13
                          At least 50% of all the Surfs I've worked on you need to welt the inside of the rim with a heavy plastic mallet to free the wheel. One of two needed a sledge and block of wood.

                          Its usually just corrosion. Or some clown has laqurered the rims and put them on with it still damp and they've glued themselves on.
                          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                          • #14
                            better get some copper grease then. wooden mallet at the ready. if it is the wheel bearing thats broke are they expensive to fix? i got the truck stuck over in gomshore in a pond. wot else could get affected?


                            • #15
                              Surf wheel bearings are really reasonably priced (Rough Trax have them).
                              If you've torn the CV boots and got gunk in them, that could knacker them good and proper -- a clean, grease and re-boot would be the minimum.

