Over the last 3-4 days, when I turn the key the engine still starts quickly, but the starter motor is turning the engine over much more slowly than it used to. The battery meter on the dashboard is about 3/4 of the way over to the right, I've had no other problems with the car.
So, where do I start the diagnosis? Does it sound like the motor is on the way out or is it most likely to be a battery problem? The car underwent some major repair a few months ago and the batteries died as a result of it sitting around for a while, so they were replaced in March.
Many thanks for your thoughts..........
So, where do I start the diagnosis? Does it sound like the motor is on the way out or is it most likely to be a battery problem? The car underwent some major repair a few months ago and the batteries died as a result of it sitting around for a while, so they were replaced in March.
Many thanks for your thoughts..........