I am changing my rad tomorrow as the one on it has sprung a leak just above the oil cooler. I already have the cowell off, so I am guessing I just remove the viscous fan, drain teh coolant, undo the four bracket bolts, the pipe bracket and disconnect the hoses. Is there anything else I should watch out for?
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Changing My Rad Tomorrow
I'm not entirly sure that the 2.4 layout is the same as the 3 ltr..but..having been told i'd need to dismantle the fan..i actually found, having remopved the cowling, the rad would pull out just fine..even with the nuts undone, the rad is held in place via lugs..just pull it up, and out she comes..
I did it as follows..
drain the rad via the tap..
unclip the bottom half of the cowling, after having first removed the bashplate.
remove the top hose, and bottom hose..
remove the auto box pipes where they enter the bottom of rad..tie them off, or bung them up to avoid losing ATF..
unbolt the rad and pull it out..
the thermostat is located in a different area to the 3 ltr..but probably worth replacing..i can't imagine its less accessible?
while its out, you can flush it through by poking a hose through the top pipe and flushing the block..
the usual advise on topping up is to use toyota red..it comes ready mixed..heaters on full..and fill slowly..personally, i removed the pipes to the heater matrix, and topped them up too, as they are the highest point..run the motor, then top up again..leaving the rad cap off overnight (sticking it onto your seat so's you don't forget) might prevent airlocks..if you can park it nose up (presumably to get the rad cap higher than the heater matrix) might be advantageous..
I got the job done. It would have taken about an hour if I hadn't had a blonde moment and spun the engine over with the viscous fan off, causing the big pulley to jump off, taking the alternator belts with it.I then had to slacken off the alternator to get the pulley back on. Oh, and I managed to break the fuse box cover when I needed to lever the alternator over. I think I will be ringing Paul (Artful Dodger) to see if he still has his breaker.
It's only a hobby!
Originally posted by kitesurf_philI got the job done. It would have taken about an hour if I hadn't had a blonde moment and spun the engine over with the viscous fan off, causing the big pulley to jump off, taking the alternator belts with it.I then had to slacken off the alternator to get the pulley back on. Oh, and I managed to break the fuse box cover when I needed to lever the alternator over. I think I will be ringing Paul (Artful Dodger) to see if he still has his breaker.