Hi guys, after replacing the cyl head (2 cracks found) complete new set of gaskets, It is still over heating, done loads of work getting it all done and the thing is still overheating !!!! HELP !!! The engine overheated in the first instance which blew the head, so I am back to square 1, new head and still overheating, its a 2.4 SSR - G on a K plate, any help would be welcomed and would be much appreciated !!! Could it be the water pump ??? Oh and does anyone know what the two fans and radiator do that are at the front underneath the engine at the bottom do ??? Any help would be great !!! I don't want to give up on her yet, Only had her 6 months and i love her to bits !!!! IGGISAIL XXXxx
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It Still Ain't Right !!! Aaarrrgghhhh !!!
The rad underneath is the aircon rad.
Have you tried filling/burping the cooling system with both heaters fully open (i.e. on hot)? Best to start the engine from cold with the rad cap off and keep topping up with coolant until its full, then wack the rad cap on. Also, have you checked that the viscous fan is working properly? Did you change the thermostat when you had the head off?Mike G
Hi, sorry to hear of your woes, been there myself.
1st, have you burped the cooling system?
waterpump should have been checked when head off, but if not it's a deffo possibility.
Flush the cooling system thoroughly, make sure all the timing marks are correctly lined up.
The 2nd rad with two fans is for the air con, so not related.
replace thermostat and rad cap, as a matter of course, same with cam belt and idlers.
hope this helps, if I think of anything else I'll get back to you.
Still working for the man!
Aaarrrgghhhh !!!!!!!
Thanks for the advice guys, i have changed the thermostat again, fitted a new water pump, burped the coolant, replaced the fluids, then it ran fine for 30 mins. took her for a drive - no probs until i took her up a few hills, the fluid in the expansion tank is boiling and it popped the lid of the expansion tank, temperature went up and down with each gear change and finally went into the red whilst going up the hill to my dads house where i switched it off. cooland boiled and spewed out of the expansion tank. i have run out of ideas now !!!! prior to all this (mentioned in previous threads) i have put on a new head and complete gasket set. please help, i am now at my wits end !!! IGGISAIL
If you managed to fit 10 Litres in, you did well.If you put in eight to nine plus, that means there are no major airlocks in there, but any airlocks do need removing. The two options that would probably leave you with are either a cr@p head/gasket, or loss of pressure in the system, due to rad cap generally, or possibly leaking hoses, as you appear to have replaced everything else. Again, have you replaced the rad cap?
Originally posted by splasherI think its a case of head bolts bottoming in block before head is clamped down. Did you compare the new bolt with the old ones. This happened to me and it turned out the bolt were too long, I had to put washers under the heads.!!!My Rice Krispies told me to do it!!!