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when changing batteries...

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  • when changing batteries...

    Just bought 2 new batteries for the truck, from halfrauds - nice big 740/130's (£75 EACH).... but they don't do 'em handed (or none in stock possible) so had to go back in the wifes car and buy an extension lead as well (got two as it happens), some amalgamating tape to ensure no connections on the live short out on any engine/body part, and some red insulating tape to finish it off.

    Also took the opportunity to fit a retaining bar. the 'generic' one from Halfrauds needed to be cut down, hit with a fcuk off big hammer and re-drilled, but it worked in the end.

    ALSO also.... put on two battery isolators (£4.99 off Eblag) so I can disconnect and work easily. Actually did this 'coz I had a problem with battery running down when stood for a week or more, so now I can isolate and be sure I have a full battery when I get the truck going after a period standing.

    So, the moral is, ensure you buy handed batteries - one for each side - or the required bits to make the cables reach if you don't!
    If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.

  • #2
    Or just ask your meachanic to order them in handed form and fit them too for less than £50 each.

