Need some advise, first i appoligise for the size of the pics, made em that big so i can add text so i know wot goes where when i refit stuff,
Firstly i removed the EGR pipework and vac stuff, i know there's a mod where ya blank off one side or the other, so am i right in thinking if you do that it renders the whole thing U/S? and if you do that you might as well remove the whole lot and blank off the connection at the inlet manifold and the exhaust manifold, BUT! wot does the vac unit do thats attached to it? can anyone advise, has anyone done it?
Secondly the EGR inlet manifold connection, when i removed it i noticed there's a lot of oily black carbon grunge in there, i s$$$$ed out some but would ya reccomend i take the manifold off and give it a good clean out, the $hite seems to be thicker at the EGR fitting port,
Or should i just s$$$$e out what i can, stick it all back together and do the cable tie mod instead

Firstly i removed the EGR pipework and vac stuff, i know there's a mod where ya blank off one side or the other, so am i right in thinking if you do that it renders the whole thing U/S? and if you do that you might as well remove the whole lot and blank off the connection at the inlet manifold and the exhaust manifold, BUT! wot does the vac unit do thats attached to it? can anyone advise, has anyone done it?
Secondly the EGR inlet manifold connection, when i removed it i noticed there's a lot of oily black carbon grunge in there, i s$$$$ed out some but would ya reccomend i take the manifold off and give it a good clean out, the $hite seems to be thicker at the EGR fitting port,
Or should i just s$$$$e out what i can, stick it all back together and do the cable tie mod instead
