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noise from transfer box (repost)

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  • noise from transfer box (repost)

    hi all
    i noticed a strange shhshshs-ing noise the other day and managed to get it over the pit this after noon. if i were to describe it then it would sound like the back plate of a brake disk just slightly touching a disk as your going along. its not a loud noise but loud enough to get on my nerves when the window is open.
    its 100% coming from the transfer case. as when i jacked up the back and spun a back wheel the prop turns and the noise is there. i thought it may be something dangling onto the prop, like a plug or something but its not. imagine what that would sound like and thats the noise.

    so we took off the plug to the transfer case, and there is plenty of oil in there. and its not dark, and its not got any bits in at all. its clear as could be and a nice light colour.
    any ideas what this is and how much its going to cost?

    ive repost this in case someone who knows, dont see it in the other section.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Diff oil low?
    Rear brakes?

    We dunno what truck you have, if it's a 3rd gen, maybe the rear axle, driveshaft oil seals?


    • #3
      thanks for that.
      were 99.9% sure its the transfer box. we come to this conclusion when i jacked up the rear wheels over the pit, and turned one of them in neutral while the mechanic friend was down the pit with a stephoscope thingy. he said its coming from the transfer box.

      there is plenty of oil in it, and its clear. no bits at all. and nothing strange about it. ive just been out in it at lunch and did not notice the noise at all. i wonder if the drive down the A3 has cured it. i have to go back home that way and do this trip every day now, so ill keep you updated.
      i just wanted to ask some fellow smurf owners in case its a common thing or whether somone else has sorted it or knows who can and if its serious or not.
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        we thought it was disk cover rubbing on the disk so we tested front wheels first. all ok.
        rears are drums, and the noise wasnt coming from a side. its definatly the transfer box. could possibly be the UJ.
        ill need to grease lighting them up hopefully on saturday. whenever i can find a grease lightning gun
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5

          i have fixed the problem
          im so clever. it was really hard to do aswel:
          when i was stopped at lights, i pushed the 4wd button in and waited until it clicked and the 4wd green light came on. i then pushed the button again and waited for the click., i wiped the sweat from my brow.
          the noise was gone. and has not returned

          to be honest, i do keep playing with that button when im in traffic or at lights. ill leave it alone now unless i need it. lol
          Oh Nana, what's my name?

