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2.4 lt td New head looking for pointers.

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  • 2.4 lt td New head looking for pointers.

    Hi Newcomer here,

    I had just recently replaced the head on my '91 SSR-G and let me tell you it was not cheap! I love the vehicle to death, but I was just wondering is there anything I could do to this jewel to help with the temp. problem? I heard about putting larger exhuast. Is it worth the hassle to do so or no?

    BTW 2 months after head replacement the heater core went any inquires on why?

    P.S. I was U-Know-What in my pants when the heater core went I for sure thought it was the Head agian


  • #2
    Originally posted by TrashBin
    Hi Newcomer here,

    I had just recently replaced the head on my '91 SSR-G and let me tell you it was not cheap! I love the vehicle to death, but I was just wondering is there anything I could do to this jewel to help with the temp. problem? I heard about putting larger exhuast. Is it worth the hassle to do so or no?

    BTW 2 months after head replacement the heater core went any inquires on why?

    P.S. I was U-Know-What in my pants when the heater core went I for sure thought it was the Head agian

    If your replacement head is the later 2.8 casting you should have no further problems, if not you might find it craking again if the engine overheats

    The heater core could have gone as a result of the system being overpressurized with combustion gasses. Normally water hoses would pop first.... but hey ho?!

    I've not heard of anything that can be done to solve cooling problems other than the usual stuff of keeping the system in tip top condition.

    I've just shoehorned the radiator of a 3.0 ltr KZN130 engine into the wifes 2.4 but that means loosing the aircon rad, and a few other pipe mods!
    Bring me the head of a treehugger


    • #3
      Thanks a million I think i will still rip it down agian and check for cracks considering it overheated for about 3 secs. It's all good new gasket, strech bolts, and 8 hrs of labour is easier on the mind, then not knowing if it is a cracked head agian. So back to the shop to tear it down once agian.

