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No coolant

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  • No coolant

    I was doing my monthly checks on the car, and there is no coolant in the resevoir. There was some last month and its been at a constant level for the past 2 years when the coolant was last changed.

    My questions are where has it gone and whats the easiest way to fix it without draining the system, as I have to drive to Essex tonight.
    There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

    'There's no place like'

  • #2
    I would top it up with water through the rad cap and put some in the reservoir and run it for a while to see if it mixes with coolant from the rest of the system, check the area round both heater matrix for signs of leaks, (rear heater under centre console + front behind glove box i think) check the top of the rad for signs of leaks. remove the reservoir and check that for leaks. Check all the coolant hoses. If all looks good i would drain and refill with fresh coolant and carry a big can of water and check regularly on the way down tonight.

    If one of the heater matrix is leaking see if you can bypass the leaking matrix.
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Top up engine and half fill expansion tank. Drive till hot then park and check for leaks around and under engine while hot. Check all hoses and the radiator cap. If you have time allow to cool down and keep checking. Sometimes a water pump will leak when cold rather than hot.



      • #4
        there are 2 pipes that feed the rear heater water hot from the engine..they look like feed and return pipes for fuel..mine rusted through and slowly drained away the coolant until suddely....oh SH$T!!! temp gauge in the red...no, not another head, I thought but on closer inspection fluid leaking onto the exhaust...another quick panic incase it was a fuel leak..Solution: disconect metal pipes from beside the termostat housing and jion the feed and return with a short lenght of hose....relief!!!! (ssshh dont say anthing!) no leaks, no cost ..no heater in the back
        dinna say eh?....say fit?


        • #5
          Originally posted by leo's dad
          there are 2 pipes that feed the rear heater water hot from the engine..they look like feed and return pipes for fuel..mine rusted through and slowly drained away the coolant until suddely....oh SH$T!!! temp gauge in the red...no, not another head, I thought but on closer inspection fluid leaking onto the exhaust...another quick panic incase it was a fuel leak..Solution: disconect metal pipes from beside the termostat housing and jion the feed and return with a short lenght of hose....relief!!!! (ssshh dont say anthing!) no leaks, no cost ..no heater in the back
          Ahh but my temp stays normal. Its really weird, both heater produce heat too.
          There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

          'There's no place like'

