Wow, just finished doing a quick maintenance on the surf (first time working on a diesel, only had the surf for a couple weeks)
Pretty much ANYTHING that could have gone wrong did
Started off doing the oil filter. I figured it was just like doing an oil change on any old car. Well got the filter undone only to realize.. How the hell do I get this out... Spent a fair bit until I finally realized the panel in the wheel well :P
Figured I'd give a go at the glow plugs.. On the 4th cylinder the little plastic cap that threads onto the glow plug / spacer bar unthreaded from the little brass insert piece. I tried everything to get this piece of $$$$ off but to no avail. It was getting late 10:30 at night so I had to put it all back together and give it a shot the next day. I put some crazy glue on the inside of the plastic cap to bond to the brass piece, so come the next day I could it off.. Well it worked :P Started doing the glow plugs and it was going smoothly until I was working on the last 2 plugs. The damn things would NOT come out. I spent atleast an hour or so wrenching on the damn things with vise grips, cutting my hands until FINALLY they came out!
The Fuel Filter was another story all together.. went well until trying to remove the filter from the top assembly. I put a screw driver through the filter, mounted it in a vice and tried to turn it off. It bent the screwdriver to a 90 degree angle
So I tried with a freaking oil filter wrench, IT BENT MY OIL FILTER WRENCH until it was unsable... SO much for being hand tight!! ahah. I tried another heavy duty oil filter wrench and it finally came off.
All these small jobs combined could have probably been done in 2-3 hours.. ended up taking like 8 or more in total from all the little problems..
Just needed to vent!! Learned a lot about the surf over the past couple days doing the maintenance on it, and glad I'm done. I'll be doing a new thermostat and gasket on sunday most likely.. I'm praying all goes well!
Pretty much ANYTHING that could have gone wrong did

Started off doing the oil filter. I figured it was just like doing an oil change on any old car. Well got the filter undone only to realize.. How the hell do I get this out... Spent a fair bit until I finally realized the panel in the wheel well :P
Figured I'd give a go at the glow plugs.. On the 4th cylinder the little plastic cap that threads onto the glow plug / spacer bar unthreaded from the little brass insert piece. I tried everything to get this piece of $$$$ off but to no avail. It was getting late 10:30 at night so I had to put it all back together and give it a shot the next day. I put some crazy glue on the inside of the plastic cap to bond to the brass piece, so come the next day I could it off.. Well it worked :P Started doing the glow plugs and it was going smoothly until I was working on the last 2 plugs. The damn things would NOT come out. I spent atleast an hour or so wrenching on the damn things with vise grips, cutting my hands until FINALLY they came out!
The Fuel Filter was another story all together.. went well until trying to remove the filter from the top assembly. I put a screw driver through the filter, mounted it in a vice and tried to turn it off. It bent the screwdriver to a 90 degree angle

All these small jobs combined could have probably been done in 2-3 hours.. ended up taking like 8 or more in total from all the little problems..
Just needed to vent!! Learned a lot about the surf over the past couple days doing the maintenance on it, and glad I'm done. I'll be doing a new thermostat and gasket on sunday most likely.. I'm praying all goes well!