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A bit of perspective ........

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  • A bit of perspective ........

    As anyone who has read and replied to any of my threads about cylinder heads will have noticed (and in one or two cases been straight enought to point out to me) it had become a worry that semed to be growing beyond reasonable proportion. But now the panic is over and I am thinking about it a little more rationally, I find myself veiwing it slightly differently. Our second car is a P reg megane with 68k on the clock. That had recieved a new head and gasket just before I bought it. I ran a Saab 9000 for a while and that also blew the head gasket and warped the head. A friend of mine had his head gasket go last year, and my dad has has two go on him. Its something that can happen to almost any vehicle, and if its going to happen then theres very little you can do to stop it. The surf is really running fine with the new glowies, and Im starting to pay more attention to the fun I have driving it than to the worry of what MIGHT happen. So thanks to one and all for all the help and advice, and I promise not to start any more cylinder head threads until it actually gives out. Sorry I mean UNLESS it actually gives out.....
    My karma ran over my dogma ..