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help camshaft pully bolt

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  • help camshaft pully bolt

    can someone please help me my surf overheated and cracked the cylinder head, head gasket problem anyway i puchased a new head and gasket set took both heads to the engineers and they swapped everything over.my mechanic has just put it all back together but said it started then cut out due to the engineers not tighting up the camshaft pully bolt. the engineers say my mechanic should have tightened the bolt can someone please advise me the correct method because as it stands im a grand out of pocket with my surf still not running and no one exepting responsibility.its a 1992 2.4 turbo diesel import .
    thank you for your time

  • #2
    Welcome to what is usially refered to as a mad house. Where did you get the head from? How was it advertised as sold? Is it a modded type? Who fitted it?
    Should have gone straight to Stevo right away. Mines waiting to go and see him but just waiting to come back home for a few days. Not much point having it done when I cant drive it.
    Either way sorry to hear about your misfortune.
    If at first etc? Find a BIGGER HAMMER!


    • #3
      Can you explain it a bit better. What, exactly, have the 'engineers' done? What exactly has the mechanic done? What is now the fault/problem? Also, I'm assuming you have the 2.4 due to where you posted, but can you put the vehicle info in your profile. And welcome, BTW.


      • #4
        camshaft pulley

        Hi Matt
        the story so far i needed new head gasket but after breaking the head open found it was quite damaged so brought a new one off e-bay with all associated gaskets. Then took the head to local engineer to swop over all usable parts including camshaft pulley as recomended by the mechanic. Two days later its all re fitted by the same mechanic, start the engine runs for a min. then stops. I am then informed the pulley has come loose and thro the timing out possibly damaging the engine. mechanic says this should have been torqued up at engineers prior to fitting, engineer says mechanic should have checked it. meanwhile truck is still broke and wallet is getting empty. any views on this would be appreciated. tufty


        • #5
          So does it now run for a minute at a time before dying, or did it just run for that one minute before dying a death? With regards to who/whom is at fault, both places are liable for completing any work undertaken to a satisfactory and safe level. So, not knowing the exact specifics of a head change, I would personally suggest both places are to$$ers if a common thing which should? have been done or checked by both has been missed. As I say, however, I don't know the exact specifics of a head change, so may be wrong. One of the more mechanical gents will advise on that one.


          • #6
            there is a bit of tin that goes behind the pulley. you bolt the head down, then you bolt the bit of tin on, then you put the pulley on. I reckon the bloke who put the head back on would have struggled to fit it with the pulley fitted.(do bear in mind i have only done this once, so i might be wrong!)
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tufty
              . mechanic says this should have been torqued up at engineers prior to fitting, engineer says mechanic should have checked it.
              You gave a cracked head and new head to a recommended engineer who canibalised the old one and rebuilt the new one..

              The mechanic then put the engine back together. The 'engineer' would not have been able to tighten the pulley bolt - that's done when you are setting the timing - after the head has been fitted onto the engine and torqued down.

              Did the engineer put the head onto the block or the mechanic? Whoever put the head on should have set the timing = torque up the pulley bolt.
              Another member of the 'A' team


              • #8
                Its a tough one, I always get heads with cam and valves set and installed, the build the heads up on the bench (fit manifolds, injectors, cam pulley, etc) then put them on, so you could say the cam bolt is tightened up before the head is fitted.

                If the mech was given the head whole, with the cam pulley installed I'd say he wasn't unreasonable in expecting it to have been done up. unless advised otherwise

                I'd say the onus is on the head builder to say that it needs tightening, if they have put it on but not tightened it.

                Buy a head from Stevo next time! It'll come built and sorted, you just need to install it, I never worry about the cam, valves, valve gaps, I can concentrate on the rest of the motor and installation, knowing the head'll work fine. (but its a bit late for that!!)

                GOod luck.
                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #9

                  Just re-read this - camshaft pulley bolt was loose - I was thinking of crank shaft - I really should pay attention

                  I'll stand in the corner for a while!
                  Another member of the 'A' team


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo

                    Just re-read this - camshaft pulley bolt was loose - I was thinking of crank shaft - I really should pay attention

                    I'll stand in the corner for a while!
                    And this week's nominations are.....


                    • #11

                      mechanic myself bit weird this as everthing you have had done i would ave classed as my own job . p.s. if i fitted timing belt i would check all associated bolts as part of the job. eg cam bolt and main pulley bolt.
                      I,LL GO FIRST NO PROB
                      (i also juggle dynamite)

