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Loss of power steering

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  • Loss of power steering

    My son's Surf has lost power steering..............he said sceeching noise ,which then stopped and then steering heavy.I have had a look and the power steering pump belt is totally loose.Have looked at our Aussie manual which says tighten up by adjusting idler pulley but our design seems to be a slotted curved bar no idler pulley.Can only see one bolt attaching pump to engine.
    I suppose it is a case of trying to adjust and see what happens???
    Perhaps we should change belt ?
    Hopefully pump will be OK as pump pulley runs freely but not so freely that I feel shaft is broken.(remains to be seen I guess)

    Any comments from anyone would be appreciated as usual.

  • #2
    If you look front the front of the engine, there are bolts at 1 o'clock (pivot bolt) and 4 o'clock (adjuster bolt in slot) and the slot bar has a bolt the other end at about 7 o'clock. ( you may need to loosen this so the adjuster will pivot as you move the pump )

    If you remove the passenger side battery, its easier to get to everything.

    I'd get new belt for it while your down there fiddling around.

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Thanks Tony....you have confirmed my thoughts.Here's hoping the pump isn't knackered !!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        2.4 power steering bolts sometimes break so check this as well.


