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Towing what a pain in the arse

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  • Towing what a pain in the arse

    I've recently started pulling a 20ft twin axel trailer to collect a few s$$$$ cars and the like and the old heap strugles a bit. I say strugle i,m having to drop to 1 st on the steep hills almost went for low ratio today. i know shes old and only a diesel without a turbo but i need a bit more power. has anyone added a turbo to a standard diesel or should i just look for a td engine. I,ve been looking for the inlet and oulet manifolds on ebay but dont know if id have to uprate anything else eg. pistons etc.

  • #2
    sparkz has been up to something with a pick up and a turbo motor.. sure he will be along..
    it's in me shed, mate.

