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Engine seized, ebay it?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by coastguard999
    Incidentally, I plan to get it up on ebay this weekend

    Would it be bad etiquette to post the link here when I do?
    IMHO, its no big deal, you said earlier in the thread you would put it on e-bay, What gets on my t1ts is the 'Hey guys, have you seen this on e-bay...' and its their truck or parts. Just say its yours, we're not stupid (well, not all the time)
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #17
      Originally posted by TonyN
      IMHO, its no big deal, you said earlier in the thread you would put it on e-bay, What gets on my t1ts is the 'Hey guys, have you seen this on e-bay...' and its their truck or parts. Just say its yours, we're not stupid (well, not all the time)

      hehehe!! don't you mean 'Man boobs'?


      • #18


        • #19
          well, it's doing better than expected, but the current high bidder has zero feedback and hasn't replied to any emails yet.

          On the plus side, there's 60 odd people watching the auction so there may be a flurry before the end (fingers crossed)
          Last edited by coastguard999; 19 January 2007, 17:41.


          • #20
            well, the high bidder *was* a timewaster. Tried every excuse in the book from "the person bidding has died" to "it was my 16 year old nephew" when The death story got rumbled.

            That was another £30 down the pan

            Anyone wanna buy a surf?


            • #21
              Originally posted by coastguard999
              well, the high bidder *was* a timewaster. Tried every excuse in the book from "the person bidding has died" to "it was my 16 year old nephew" when The death story got rumbled.

              That was another £30 down the pan

              Anyone wanna buy a surf?

              Got one thanks.

              You should be able to offer second chance to the next highest bidder. Failing that, have you considered an engine transplant? Such as this one, which I got all excited about until I remembered that there's nothing wrong with mine


              • #22
                put it in the for sale section with an email address and i will contact.


                • #23
                  is that free to do?

                  The next highest bidder wasn't interested and the one below that hasn't answered.

                  Not impressed with my ebay experience so far
                  Last edited by coastguard999; 24 January 2007, 13:24.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by coastguard999
                    is that free to do?
                    to sell the surf is a fiver and to sell parts is two quid but there is no time period for it so it's there till it's sold


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by stormforce1067
                      to sell the surf is a fiver and to sell parts is two quid but there is no time period for it so it's there till it's sold
                      I've gone for the ebay relisting as I need it sold quickly being as it's stored on my local garages forecourt and they are not that pleased about it



                      • #26
                        Just as a final update in case it is of use to anybody, the surf eventually went for £350


                        • #27
                          i asked for help ,,,, i am not near london as you can see by the clue in the first post were it says LIVERPOOL! as anyone else got better advice please thanks


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by emlyn1112
                            i asked for help ,,,, i am not near london as you can see by the clue in the first post were it says LIVERPOOL! as anyone else got better advice please thanks

                            Umm, are you in the right thread??!!


                            • #29

                              I have a lwb trailer that a surf will fit on and a van to tow it if you want to do me a deal on that spare wheel assembly.

                              Regards Andy 07731618466


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Diablo Turbo View Post
                                I have a lwb trailer that a surf will fit on and a van to tow it if you want to do me a deal on that spare wheel assembly.

                                Regards Andy 07731618466
                                I think you might be 12 months too late

