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Thermostat or Not

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  • Thermostat or Not

    Hi All,
    Has any one driven a Surf '92 2.4 Diesel with out a thermostat. will it cause any damage ? apart from taking a longer time to heat up to operating temp. or speeding up wearing ? Have to tow a heavy boat !! (I know I need a bigger engine ! but we have to live with what we have got !! )

  • #2
    Don't. If you have any doubt as to the thermostat, replace it but don't remove
    it. No thermostat can cause overheating, excessive engine wear and poor fuel


    • #3
      If you want to keep it 'extra cool' stick a couple of washers on the bolts on the bonnet hinges to lift the back edge up. Try pulling the temperature sensor for the electric fan off (just below the thermostat housing, on the front) so it runs all the time. Much better plans all round.


      • #4
        Hi will not remove the thermostat ! but will try removing the fan sensor to see if that helps - I take it it is the electric Fans in the front of the radiator and not the one with the Viscous coupling ? , is there any way to adjust the viscous coupling so that fan comes on eariler - even at a sacrifice of using more fule / losing power


        • #5
          Yes. You can either lock the viscous fan, add more silicone oil to alter its lock
          point, or there are adjustment screws inside the fan housing to alter the
          temperature at which it will lock.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MattF
            Yes. You can either lock the viscous fan, add more silicone oil to alter its lock
            point, or there are adjustment screws inside the fan housing to alter the
            temperature at which it will lock.
            Have you any more info on this, which screws do what and how much etc? Thanks.

