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Water level unde rad cap

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  • Water level unde rad cap

    Hi guys. Just got my surf back on the road. Feels good to be a few feet off the ground again.

    Anyway, I'm keeping an eye on the water level now. I topped up the water under the rad cap today but I have a question. I can't seem to fill the water up right to the brim. I can see/feel the water just an inch from the top, but every time I add some more in, it come up to the top and then gets sucked back down again. Is this normal or do I need to add more water? I'm just wondering whether it's going into the expansion tank as I keep filling up.

  • #2
    Just keep topping up with coolant until it sits level with the bottom lip of the


    • #3
      You can see a hole in the side of the housing where the pipe goes to the expansion tank. If you fill too quick it will go into the tank, just keep it below the hole - you need to top it up slowly to give the air a chance to get out anyway.


      • #4
        Yep. I just had a look. I had filled it up as much as it could take. Any more that I added was going to the expansion tank (only the last inch or so). Thanks guys.

