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another alternator newbie.....

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  • another alternator newbie.....

    Hi all having probs with my surf...... all dash lights came on so read up and checked alternator and was not charging so found a replacement and swapped over.
    But my dash lights are still on?? checked with voltmeter and is about 13.2v ish on idle and raises with revs and around 12.8v all turned off so i think the new alternator is working all ok?

    Would like some reassurance that i am correct in thinking maybe something else is now at fault ie bad earth or knackered batteries etc etc before i say that the alternator is possibly not putting enough charge in battereies

    Thanks in advance for your help


  • #2
    Originally posted by crasin
    Hi all having probs with my surf...... all dash lights came on so read up and checked alternator and was not charging so found a replacement and swapped over.
    But my dash lights are still on?? checked with voltmeter and is about 13.2v ish on idle and raises with revs and around 12.8v all turned off so i think the new alternator is working all ok?

    Would like some reassurance that i am correct in thinking maybe something else is now at fault ie bad earth or knackered batteries etc etc before i say that the alternator is possibly not putting enough charge in battereies

    Thanks in advance for your help


    One or both of your batteries are knackered. They should be nearer 14v with engine off.


    • #3
      Sounds a bit tight fisted.... but there any way of checking b4 i go out and buy 2 new batteries? oh and thanks for quick reply



      • #4
        Originally posted by crasin
        Sounds a bit tight fisted.... but there any way of checking b4 i go out and buy 2 new batteries? oh and thanks for quick reply


        Disconnect the positive leads from both batteries and check the voltage. I suspect one of the batteries will only be showing about 10volts.


        • #5
          Thanks for reply will do in about 30 min when mrs back from tesco's do you have any details on what batteries i will need i.e the cca etc just in case i do need to find replacement as all stickers have come off mine as they do look quite old now that i think about it.....




          • #6
            Originally posted by crasin
            Thanks for reply will do in about 30 min when mrs back from tesco's do you have any details on what batteries i will need i.e the cca etc just in case i do need to find replacement as all stickers have come off mine as they do look quite old now that i think about it.....



            Ideally, a minimum of 700 cca. each.


            • #7
              WOW 700 cca i am sure that when i tested today on special battery tester thingybob one came out at 550 and the other only 410 !!


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                Disconnect the positive leads from both batteries and check the voltage. I suspect one of the batteries will only be showing about 10volts.

                Just disconnected both batteries completly and one was showing 12.7v and other 12.4v so going to put on charge just to top up have filled with de-ioniosed water and will see what happens but not convinced is batteries after those readings any other suggestions much appreciated!



                • #9
                  Next thing to check is the earth connections. There's one beneath the battery on the passenger side (I think) and the engine earth strap at the rear of the engine connected to the bulkhead.
                  Also make sure the battery clamps are tight, especially the negatives.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    Next thing to check is the earth connections. There's one beneath the battery on the passenger side (I think) and the engine earth strap at the rear of the engine connected to the bulkhead.
                    Also make sure the battery clamps are tight, especially the negatives.
                    Going to check clamps and leads in morning but could i not illiminate(bad spelling sorry) the earth problem by jump starting and earthing my car through another car if that makes any sense what soever!?



                    • #11
                      Check your connections, double check your batteries. Even if the batteries
                      appear to be okay, only way to check them properly is check the voltage
                      under some form of load. Any auto electricians can do a proper test of the
                      batteries, possibly even most motor factors.


                      • #12
                        Right just an update charged batteries up over night and are alot more powerful! but has not solved my problems with dash lights they just seem alot brighter so checked all terminals etc and had a look and earth leads but could not see an earth lead going to bulk head unless its from underneath car which will hae to try later on...

                        Am prety sure new alternator is working ok as with no load baterries showing 13v and go up to around 16v when engine revved with and slightly lower under load i.e everything electrical turned on

                        running out of suggestions.... is there an alternator relay or anything that i could try ?

                        many thanks



                        • #13
                          Depending on which alternator you have, there is a voltage regulator on the back of it. Some alternators have an internal version, others are bolted on the back of the casing. 16v? could be the regulator is playing up.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            Depending on which alternator you have, there is a voltage regulator on the back of it. Some alternators have an internal version, others are bolted on the back of the casing. 16v? could be the regulator is playing up.
                            In some ways i want it to be that as just bought and has 12 month warrenty but i suppose i will have to take to auto electrical place to confirm before i send back


