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2.4 ssr-x over heating

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  • 2.4 ssr-x over heating

    I need some help I have not got a clue, I have done a search but there is so many over heating problems I cant find anything the same.

    These are the symptoms

    A couple of days ago we started hearing the extra electric fan running all the time which we thought was a bit strange, so we kept an eye on the temperature gauge which stayed in the middle as usual. I read a couple of posts on here which said to check coolant fluid, so I did. It was a little bit low but could still be seen in the expansion tank so I topped it up with a bit off anti freeze I removed radiator cap and refitted and topped up oil and window washer fluid as they were a little bit low. we then took it out and after about ten minutes the temperature gauge had gone up to the bottom of the red we put the heater on full blast on hot which seemed to cool it of for a while then it started to go back up, we noticed that every time we accelerated for long periods it got hotter but if we was coasting with no revs the gauge would go down a little bit, if we was at traffic lights this seamed to have no effect on the gauge if it was low it would stay low if it was high it would stay high. The electric fan is cutting in most of the time but does not really help. The heater blows out hot air even on cold. The main fan seems a little bit stiff when turned by hand when the car is off , not sure if this is right or wrong. As you rev the engine when stationary the fan speed seems to stay the same again not sure if this is right or wrong. The only other thing I noticed is when we are stationary the oil pressure gauge is low but when we are moving it goes to the middle, is this ok.

    Any help would be much appreciated

    Regards Nick


  • #2
    Make sure your checking the level at the cap, not the expansion tank, it could just be low on water. Generally getting hot but no leaks or water loss is normally blocked rad, loose viscous fan or jammed thermostat.

    If its running out of water but with no noticable leaks and overheating then its probably the head or head gasket.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Ignore the oil pressure, that's what it's supposed to do.

      Replace the rad cap and thermostat. It's easy. I can do it.

      The fan should be a little bit stiff when the car is off and cold. It should be a lot stiff when the it's hot. If it's not, it needs fixing, do a search on 'Viscous Fan'.

      I don't know much, but I don't think the heater being hot all the time is related, it could just be the thing that switches the heat between hot and cold is buggered.

      It does sound like you're low on coolant. Like Tony says top it up through the rad cap, not the expansion tank, and make sure you get all the air out. Fill it up and leave it with the cap off overnight, then top up if need be.

      Don't drive it around in or near the red. They don't like that and it's kind of expensive if you upset a 2.4


      • #4
        Thanks alot for the replies I will change the rad cap and thermostat and see how it goes. How can I check for a loose viscous fan?

        Regards Nick


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nicknoo
          Thanks alot for the replies I will change the rad cap and thermostat and see how it goes. How can I check for a loose viscous fan?

          Regards Nick
          Here's a start:


          Just search for 'Viscous fan', 'viscous newspaper' - stuff like that. That will tell you if you have a viscous fan problem. By the time you've searched all of the threads on that subject, you will know everything there is to know and you'll be pulling it (the fan) out and filling it up with stuff from a model shop before you know what's happening.

          Changing the thermostat will eliminate that possibility. Checking the fan will eliminate that one. See if your radiator is getting hot all the way along, that will give you a good guide as to whether it's blocked. Obviously top up your coolant and check the level frequently. If it's going down, check all the hoses and look around for leaks. Look for white staining where the hoses join as that will indicate leaks there. Check the top of the radiator for pin hole leaks (it happens a lot) or solder that would indicate that someone's repaired it before.

          If you have no leaks, you change the thermostat, the radiator's fine and the fan works OK, it will probably be the head. White smoke, a weird coolant smell and boiling water in the expansion tank might be other clues.

