Sorry for asking so many techy questions, hopefull not many more....
The breaks on my surf are a bit frightening to say the least, the garage said that the pads were ok (one of the only bits that won't need fixing!!), but I practically have to stand on the pedal to even slow down and am not convinced I could stop in a hurry.
Is this normal because the car is a)massive, b)heavy, c)an Automatic d)old and I am not used to it (and have always driven small brand new cars) or does something somewhere need adjusting??
Misses is too scared to drive it
The breaks on my surf are a bit frightening to say the least, the garage said that the pads were ok (one of the only bits that won't need fixing!!), but I practically have to stand on the pedal to even slow down and am not convinced I could stop in a hurry.
Is this normal because the car is a)massive, b)heavy, c)an Automatic d)old and I am not used to it (and have always driven small brand new cars) or does something somewhere need adjusting??
Misses is too scared to drive it
