or buy a roasting tin and make one out of that.
No announcement yet.
Most will fit most cars. Surf bonnets are fairly flat (except for being higher in the middle) so scoops for cars with big flatish bonnets will work better than those for little cars (Corsas, Saxos etc).
A much cheaper alternative is to raise the back edge of the bonnet using some washers on the hinge bolts.
Originally posted by SanchoOld '3 scoops' here being a bit of a hypocrite, but scoops are no substitute for a properly working cooling system. Unless you're going 'very fast' (80+ in a 2.4), towing, sitting in huge traffic jam or driving up a mountain your temperature gauge shouldn't be moving and there shouldn't be any steam anywhere.
If you start adding scoops whilst you have an overheating problem, you will
probably end up with an engine that doesn't just blow up, but one that spectacularly
blows up. You are trying to mask an obvious fault, and instituting workarounds
rather than seeing to the root cause of the problem will lead to something
excessively expensive. Have you tried any of the previously mentioned repairs?
Whilst I am not averse to modifying things, to put it subtly,, only a masochist
with vast reserves of money to throw away would start pillocking about with
modifications before the base system is working correctly. Apologies for being
abrupt, but you really should get it working properly first, or you will pay the price
later.Last edited by MattF; 5 September 2006, 19:16.
Hi to all
new to site and have just experienced the joy of the head gasket going on the way back to Inverness from Newcastle.
Oh so glad when I bought the truck got a warranty of the garage.
Ruffly how long does it take to get parts from milners as that is where the garage said he was getting them?
Also how big a job is it?www.merkinchlnr.org.uk
Welcome Al.
It takes roughly a day to complete the job. You can also get cylinder heads here...http://www.yotasurf.co.uk/members_pa...evo/index.html
Originally posted by ABECheers for that.
Just really glad I am not having to pay for it. Still annoyed it happened though but these thing happen.
Great for pulling my trailer (2 tons) not so good for 5 hours of motorway driving.
It's unlikely to be just the gasket, it's normally the head cracking. If they are just going to replace the gasket, it won't do much good. Get them to check the head for cracks while it's off and if it's busted, get one from Stevo not Milners.
And welcome.
stupid question but what have they done to the redesigned one to stop it from cracking so easily.
And what proof can I get that it is a redesigned one? is stevos one redesigned?
sorry for all the stupid questions not very techinaly mindedwww.merkinchlnr.org.uk
Originally posted by ABEstupid question but what have they done to the redesigned one to stop it from cracking so easily.
And what proof can I get that it is a redesigned one? is stevos one redesigned?
sorry for all the stupid questions not very techinaly minded
AFAIK, they redesigned a waterway in the head, as the original design left a too thin piece of metal 'somewhere'. Proof is difficult to determine. There's no external visible difference to the heads. Stevo's heads are the new design, yes...It just does, OK?
The new heads are a completely new casting. The original heads have the waterways (coolant ducts) close to the combustion chambers seperated by a very thin wall of cast iron that dosen't withstand any overheating , and so cracks beween the valves. The new heads are thicker in this area so they can withstand higher temps.
Stevos heads are the new ones, I don't know what the Milners ones are like, 'cos everyone seems to get theirs from Stevo.
Just off phone from garage trying to get out of warranty saying that something had made a hole in the rad. (i.e. a stone kicked up from the road) lost all the water that way and then basically cooked the engine.
So now saying he's not responsible but will go halfers on the whole job (approx £1300 new cyclinder and new rad) as a good will gesture.
Need less to say not happy
Any advice?www.merkinchlnr.org.uk