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charging problems

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  • charging problems

    Bought an 89 2.4 "that needs a new alternator" Checked across the battery with a volt meter and yes it wasn't chargeng. Replaced Alternator with one fron an 88 UK hilux, on with the volt meter and its charging. After a trip into town yesterday I jumped in this morning...gurrr clunk no go. Now the other thing is this motor has a selection of warning lights showing: water in fuel, a timing belt light that won't reset and the battery light. I saw some old threads that said an alternator swap should cure it but it hasn't. I sort of suspected the new breaker sourced alternator but when I checked the battery with a volt meter and the engine revving the meter was showing a rise to about 17.4 volts. any ideas folks as I have a week to sort this before I need her as a daily driver.
    Last edited by leo's dad; 11 August 2006, 11:44.
    dinna say eh?....say fit?

  • #2
    Your battery maybe knackered.


    • #3
      No way the alternator should be getting as high as 17V, but as Bushwacker said it could be the battery. You need to get a local battery place to do a "deep discharge test" on the battery - that will show whether it will hold a charge or not. If that's ok then it looks like you may still have an alternator problem.

      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


      • #4
        yeah, looks a bit like it, swapped a spare battery in..14.84 volts ignition on, switched on lights and spots dropped to 14.35, put back origional and did the same: 13.76 volts dropped to 8.23 with just the lights on.
        Butttt: spare "good" battery in, switch on engine, volt meter shows charging rise steadily to 21.1 volts where it settles. switch on lights and spots and it falls back to 16.3volts Does this sound high?
        I just swapped alternators over as the old one wouldn't charge but is this one over charging?
        any ideas
        dinna say eh?....say fit?


        • #5
          Then it's the voltage regulator that's kaput!
          Depending on what type of alternator it is, the regulator is either mounted on the back, or inside the alternator casing.
          Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 11 August 2006, 13:04.


          • #6
            cocks!!! so I've got one alternator that wont charge, replaced with a second one that charged too much and cooked my battery!!!
            dinna say eh?....say fit?


            • #7
              The battery should still be o.k. as long as you didn't go for a long drive.


              • #8
                of batteries and stuff...

                '92 2.4; dual battery

                managed to run the batteries flat the other month - tried to jump start (from a fiesta as it happens) and couldnt jump when rigged up to one battery, but COULD when rigged up to other one. Does this indicate on dead battery? or is it correct in that you can only jump via the one battery??

                (i was surprised the fiesta managed it at all, but the bloke was revvvvvvvvingthe nuts off it!!)

                ALSO... on a dual settup, can i replace one battery with a liesure battery, (and change the wiring of course) and run the truck off the other battery, or do i replace both, one with the leisure and the main one with a BIGGER truck battery, or do i need to simply add a third battery?

                anyone any experience?
                If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


                • #9
                  did about 50 miles!!!! The news from the charger and volt meter is not good.
                  do you know if anyone sells brushes and regulators? As now I have two duff alternators I might as well try replacing these on the best looking one before spunking yet more dosh on the shed of a thing!!!
                  dinna say eh?....say fit?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by legendgamesmaster
                    '92 2.4; dual battery

                    managed to run the batteries flat the other month - tried to jump start (from a fiesta as it happens) and couldnt jump when rigged up to one battery, but COULD when rigged up to other one. Does this indicate on dead battery? or is it correct in that you can only jump via the one battery??

                    (i was surprised the fiesta managed it at all, but the bloke was revvvvvvvvingthe nuts off it!!)

                    ALSO... on a dual settup, can i replace one battery with a liesure battery, (and change the wiring of course) and run the truck off the other battery, or do i replace both, one with the leisure and the main one with a BIGGER truck battery, or do i need to simply add a third battery?

                    anyone any experience?



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by leo's dad
                      did about 50 miles!!!! The news from the charger and volt meter is not good.
                      do you know if anyone sells brushes and regulators? As now I have two duff alternators I might as well try replacing these on the best looking one before spunking yet more dosh on the shed of a thing!!!
                      Look in yellow pages for a local diesel electric dealer. The alternator is probably a Denso but they may be able to source the brushes using the Toyota part number. If not pm me the toy number - I've got a cross-reference chart somewhere

                      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                      • #12
                        this guy has a 2.4 alternator for sale


                        • #13
                          why didn't i listen to Barry from roughtrax!!!!turns out the alternator from a hilux has a separate regulator therefore I've spent 50 notes on a wrong un and fried my battery!!!!cock badgers!!!!!!!
                          dinna say eh?....say fit?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by leo's dad
                            why didn't i listen to Barry from roughtrax!!!!turns out the alternator from a hilux has a separate regulator therefore I've spent 50 notes on a wrong un and fried my battery!!!!cock badgers!!!!!!!
                            as they say we all make mistakes but that was a costly one


                            • #15
                              You're best option would be to have the original alternator repaired, if you
                              happen to have a good auto electricians around your way. At least then you
                              know the alternator should last as long as the rest of the vehicle.

