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Power steering acting all funky

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  • Power steering acting all funky

    Hi guys,
    Just wanted some advice on my power steering.

    It has started to act all funky, by which I mean is working intermittently. When you are bombing along its fine, when its going slow it cuts out all together. I have read some previous posts on the subject and it seems to be relatively straight forward.
    I checked the PAS pump belt and it seems really slack, I marked the pulley wheel and belt with chalk and started it up and turned the steering a few times and could feel the PAS juddering, turned off the engine and looked for the chalk marks, the pulley mark is at 11 o'clock and the belt mark is nowhere to be seen.
    So I assume that the belt is slipping a fair bit.
    My question is do you think that it would be the reason for my PAS to packup from time to time? or could my problem be more serious?
    Also while looking at the PAS belt I noticed a couple of other belts have quite a lot of small cracks in them, although they seem to be nice and tight. Should I change all the belts, and what are the consequences of them breaking midflight...
    Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy...

  • #2
    Marking the belt and pulley with chalk will mean nothing. Length of belt different size pulleys all change the position of mark in relation to pulley with each revolution. Same with a timing belt. Waste of time because it will not match once rotated. If the belts are cracked replace the lot. Power steering bolts can sometimes break so check them as well.



    • #3
      Cheers Nev.
      Bugger I really am daft..lol

      I am pretty sure I will get the garage to change the lot.

      Still hoping that its slipping though as it is seems pretty slack..

      Fingers crossed...
      Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy...


      • #4
        Its more than likely the belt is slipping, when you are traveling at speed there is not so much drag on the steering thus the pump doesn't need to work as hard but when you are stationary the pump has to work really hard to turn the steering.
        And yes change all the belts if they show signs of wear
        If it aint broke dont fix it


        • #5
          Cheers Gary
          Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy...


          • #6
            Tightened up the belt and bingo all solved.
            Keep it greasey so it'll go down easy...

