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polished area on drivebelt?

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  • polished area on drivebelt?

    I've noticed that the rearmost alternator belt has a been polished smooth across the outer face at the rear of the belt. I assume this isn't normal as nothing should rub the belt.

    My surf has also developed the squeaking / chirping noise at idle that people reckoned to be a worn front harmonic pulley - would the polished belt confirm this?

    I can't afford to replace a £100 pulley just as a guess so I need to be sure the pulley is the cause of the belt polishing and the chirp noises, preferably before it disintegrates leaving me stranded.

  • #2
    Not the most insightful thing you'll ever read, but I presume the chirping noise is said belt rubbing on whatever. Are you able to see it whilst the engine's running?

    If it is the harmonic wossname, I think there are previous posts about gluing it back together if buying a new one's a problem.


    • #3
      I can't see any movement when the engine is running, but I'm not really sure what sort of movement I'm looking for, and it's quite hard to get a clear look at the front pulley anyway.


      • #4
        Originally posted by JimSuperSix
        I can't see any movement when the engine is running, but I'm not really sure what sort of movement I'm looking for, and it's quite hard to get a clear look at the front pulley anyway.
        Outer part of harmonic balancer will move forward and back. Belts usually limit this untill badly worn. They will also slip under load. If you suspect it is moving, remove and look for signs of rubbing on the timing belt cover. Replace if needed because if it fails severe damage can be done.



        • #5
          Whereabouts on the engine is the balancer, exactly?
          (Yes, I know the 'on the front' bit).


          • #6
            Matt : it's the front pulley that drives the alternator, water pump and power steering pump.

            Nev : What sort of damage would be done? So far as I can see all that would happen is that the alternator belts would drop off, bringing on the battery charge warning light on the dash, meaning I would stop before it overheated.

            If the front fell off the pulley surely it would just drop out onto the road?


            • #7
              Originally posted by JimSuperSix
              What sort of damage would be done?
              All sorts. Really, don't do it. You lose the water pump. And when you overheat, you don't just overheat, it goes crrrrrack and you pay 1200 quid for a new head.

              It's not necessarily about it dropping off. More it splitting into two parts (inner and outer) and not spinning properly.

              I know, mine used to slip a bit and chirrup like a happy chipmunk. I hit a hill in France and it went berserk and spat all over the road. I had it towed back, 25 hour journey home, 3 weeks to fix, me much less rich. The battery charged fine, just not quite enough pull on the pulleys to keep the water pump going too. Exactly as Nev says - they slip under load and then you're in the $hit.

              Up to you, but I'd pop it off and have a look if you can. At least change your belts.


              • #8
                Yikes, that sounds bad! Put a new head on last year so I don't want to do that again.

                I'll get it off at the weekend and have a look. What's the rubber compound called (I think you can get it from RS?) that you stick the pulley back together with?

                Someone mentioned that the pulley is easily damaged during removal (possibly I broke it doing the head) so how do I go about removing and then replacing it without any further damage (my Surf has an auto gearbox).



                • #9
                  You're asking the wrong man. Not that you're specifically asking me, but I don't know much about this stuff. The head on mine had been replaced reasonably soon before I got it and judging by the fun they'd had smashing the cambelt cover to pieces, they probably damaged the harmonic fella whilst doing it. I blame that for my subsequent Iliad of woes.

                  Search the forum for 'Harmonic Balancer' and you should turn up some answers. Or wait for someone not ignorant to come along.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MattF
                    Whereabouts on the engine is the balancer, exactly?
                    (Yes, I know the 'on the front' bit).
                    On the end of the crankshaft, with a big hex. bolt in the middle.


