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Front exhaust pipe heat shield

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  • Front exhaust pipe heat shield

    Just a small query this time. Had to take the Surf through to a garage
    to have the front exhaust pipe replaced today as I couldn't get the old
    one off. It's been replaced with a Milner's one. However, here's the
    question, on the old front pipe, I seem to remember seeing a heat shield
    around the top of the front pipe, just below where it connects to the
    manifold. The new pipes now on, but that top section of heat shield
    around the pipe and the bracket in front of the bulkhead aren't on now.
    Is the Milner's exhaust a different design which doesn't allow those bits
    to be fitted back on, or have the garage just not been arsed to put them
    back on?


  • #2
    i've just been molesting that particular bit of the ferrets surf (putting it all back together now ) and i wouldn't blame them one bit if they didn't put it back on....
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chillitt
      i've just been molesting that particular bit of the ferrets surf (putting it all back together now ) and i wouldn't blame them one bit if they didn't put it back on....
      Is it that bad? I assume it won't be detrimental to the exhaust strength
      without that bracket, or the bulkhead without the shield? If it's an excess
      but unnecessary couple of bits, I'll stop whittling. Just didn't want to leave
      it if it might cause a problem. Cheers Charlie.
      Last edited by MattF; 12 July 2006, 21:31.


      • #4
        i think the bracket is essential or the exhaust will get shaken to bits, but heatsheild looks like a whole lot of bother for a little gain. (i'd just like to point out, that i have not taken such a short cut on pauls truck, nor would i. its all exactly as mr toyota intended. yes sir)
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          i think the bracket is essential or the exhaust will get shaken to bits, but heatsheild looks like a whole lot of bother for a little gain. (i'd just like to point out, that i have not taken such a short cut on pauls truck, nor would i. its all exactly as mr toyota intended. yes sir)
          Couldn't get back on the site last night, which probably saved you all
          from a miniature novel for a reply. Have phoned them earlier to
          ask if they still have the heatshield and top bracket knocking about.
          Will find out when the chap who did it gets back in. Worst case
          scenario question, is it possible to still get the top bracket under the
          flexi-pipe heatshield? Is it possible to fit the pipe heatshield and
          bracket back on without removing the exhaust, BTW?

          Glad to see you have the perfection streak Charlie. Thanks
          once again for your help.
          Last edited by MattF; 13 July 2006, 18:54.


          • #6
            the mounting bracket bolts on using 2 bolts on the bell housing so best make sure they are done up asap! i doubt its possible to fit any of them without taking the front pipe off, but i haven't tried to be honest...
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chillitt
              the mounting bracket bolts on using 2 bolts on the bell housing so best make sure they are done up asap! i doubt its possible to fit any of them without taking the front pipe off, but i haven't tried to be honest...
              Just checked on that Charlie. There is a 14mm bolt missing from what
              appears to be a cast mount point on the side of the bell housing, just
              for mounting purposes. Is that one of the points? Only other bolts I can
              see around that area are a 14mm bolt lower down which actually bolts
              the two halves of the bell housing, and a 12mm bolt that goes into the
              bell housing at a right angle to the front pipe at the side of it. Is the
              second mount point the 12mm bolt? Thanks once again.


              • #8
                tell you what, i'll take a picture for you later
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chillitt
                  tell you what, i'll take a picture for you later
                  That would be very much appreciated. Thanks ever so much.


                  • #10
                    thats ok. i was going to be under there tonite anyway....
                    it's in me shed, mate.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chillitt
                      thats ok. i was going to be under there tonite anyway....
                      I wonder how much time on average we all spend underneath a Surf
                      each week. I picked up the bits off the old exhaust earlier. Fairly
                      safe bet that the heatshield ain't going back on. What a phaffy affair
                      that is. Plus, the clamps are welded onto the original pipe.

                      Will be having a look to see if I can modify that bracket to fit back on,
                      though. I get the feeling it's going to involve Jubilee clips to do so.
                      Apparently, (I didn't see the bit of pipe that it attaches to, the clamps
                      for the bracket are also welded onto the pipe). I'll await your picture(s)
                      to make sure I try to put it back in the right place. Thanks once
                      again Charlie.


                      • #12
                        hehehe!! I can see this thread going on for another four pages!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          hehehe!! I can see this thread going on for another four pages!
                          Would I............................. ........


                          • #14
                            here you go. there is a second lge bolt on the bell housing, but i couldn't get the camera to it...
                            Attached Files
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chillitt
                              here you go. there is a second lge bolt on the bell housing, but i couldn't get the camera to it...
                              That's lovely. I can see how it goes now. I've got that bracket back
                              that goes onto the bell housing, so provided the new exhaust has the
                              same angle at that point, I can run a Jubilee clip around the exhaust
                              pipe and bracket to clamp the two together. (I hope). Thanks Charlie,
                              for taking that pic. Your a saviour.

                              Got the top section back of the old exhaust, just in case I decided to
                              be brave with that heat shielding and try to pop it back on. I won't be
                              putting it back on as it does seem very superflous and cosmetic rather
                              than functional. Very flimsy metal as well. Looks like they were just
                              trying to use up an excess supply of tin.

                              One thing I have noticed is that the flexipipe section on the Milner's
                              exhaust seems to be far better than the original one. On the new one,
                              it uses the braid type section of flexi, whereas the old pipe is more
                              like a bimetallic expansion bellows which is far more rigid.

                              Thanks once again for that pic. Greatly appreciated.

