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gearstick bush removal, 2.4 manual

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  • gearstick bush removal, 2.4 manual

    Hi, I've recently started having trouble shifting between 3rd and 4th gear on my 92 2.4 surf (2nd gen). I've searched all the relevant threads and decided to opt for the bush replacement in the gearstick housing, hey presto, sure enough the green bush in side the gearstick housing is in a million pieces,( jaming the gearstick) the white bush on the ball, right at the bottom of the gearstick is in one piece, if anything it feels a bit slack, but for now is in one piece.The question I'd like to ask is how do you remove/replace the green bush inside the gearstick housing, as far as I can see there are 2 pins either side of the casting which holds the cup, spring, bush, gearstick etc in place, but I can't for the life of me figure out how these pins are removed, any info would be much appreciated, thanks.

  • #2
    From what I remember, you push down and twist on the circular plate/cover that the stick goes through. Then everything should come apart. Sorry it's not a great description! Its kinda like removing a light bulb - that top cover locks onto those 2 pins.


    • #3
      Bayonet fitting Rob . Easy job all done in 5 mins . Makes a hell of a difference . New bush is green and black . Mine was worn so there was only the black bit left . I have 2 new white bushes as I ordered 2 from Sumo by mistake . I never bothered with the white bush as appeared as new .

      You do not need to remove the pins , just fish the old 'seat' out with a screwdriver or similar and push the new one in by easing it past the pins by putting it in at an angle .
      Last edited by Vagrant No2; 18 June 2006, 23:15.
      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        Here you go, found a write up for you. Its for a 3rd gen but its much the same process http://4runners.org/articles/shift/


        • #5
          A big thank you to all that repllied, sure enough half a turn on the top cover and ond all the gubbins came out, next question, where can I source the bushes from and how much do they cost, Mr VAGRANT No. 2, if you still have the new, white, bottom bush, how much will you sell for, as I'm going to replace it as a matter of course, once again a big, big thank you to you all.


          • #6
            Rob supplied me the part numbers which I passed on to Sumo , who in turn ordered them from the Stealership and then gave them to me when we next met up . I do not have the part numbers anymore , but maybe Rob would be kind enough to pass them to you if he has them. I do have the white bush somewhere as I did not fit it and had ordered 2 by mistake .If I can locate it I will post to you . I still owe Sumo for the part so will pass any funds for it to him .

            EDIT : Part numbers are 33505-35020 green bush and 33548-31010 white bush
            Last edited by Vagrant No2; 19 June 2006, 16:06.
            Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


            • #7
              And again with the prices (prices were from sometime last year, may have changed a bit):

              The white plastic bush on the end of the shift lever:
              33548-31010 - BUSH, NO. 1, SHIFT LEVER
              (£2.50 ex VAT)

              The black/green rubber seat:
              33505-35020 - SEAT SUB ASSY, SHIFT LEVER
              (£5.94 ex VAT)


              • #8
                Rob/Rick, thanks very much for your info, I'll order parts ASAP.


                • #9
                  May your stick go stiff , mine did !
                  Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                  • #10
                    Installed both bushes this morning, what a difference, its like a new gearbox,slick as a slick thing, no more notchy, jumping out of gear, even selects reverse without any fuss and all for the grand sum of £10 and of course 20 minutes of my time.


                    • #11
                      Hang on while I just go over to the other side of the room so I can read that last post!!

