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Thermostat,whats its job??

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  • Thermostat,whats its job??

    Silly question i know, but just wondering what exactly its function is.
    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

  • #2
    Originally posted by smithsurf
    Silly question i know, but just wondering what exactly its function is.
    It closes when the coolant is cold to keep the water from entering the radiator and allows the engine to heat up quickly. when hot it opens to allow water into the rad to cool the engine
    I used to have a surf me!


    • #3
      its a simple yet crucial bit of kit...
      especially in a 2.4 as I found out...

      basically its closed when its cold. it makes the water flow the short way around the engine so that it gets warm quickly and then once the temperature gets to a certain point the thermostat opens allowing the water to flow more around the radiator etc meaning the engine cools down. once its cooled down to a particular temperature it will close again, stopping the water from getting too cold.
      that way it maintains the temperature of your engine like an open and close valve letting water through when it gets up to a certain temperature.

      it is such a cheap little item, and if it goes wrong, ie, not opening when it should, your engine can be in a whole world of hot and bother.

      you can run an engine without one, but it takes forever to get hot and its not good longterm as your lubricants work best at a certain temp and the longer it takes to get to that temp the more ear your engine will suffer from the lubricant not doing its job properly.
      she's no angel


      • #4
        Just had a new head from Stevo fitted at my local garage. They mentioned i may as well get a new thermostat so everythin was tip top.

        My mate said in the summer last year his was knackered and didn't bother replacing till winter!!!!!!!!!!! Just wondering how he could manage without one.

        I thought it was to tell the fan when to come on. Doh!!!

        I'll stick to what i know about Surfs. Turn key.....foot down.......steer!!!
        www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


        • #5
          Originally posted by smithsurf
          Just had a new head from Stevo fitted at my local garage. They mentioned i may as well get a new thermostat so everythin was tip top.

          My mate said in the summer last year his was knackered and didn't bother replacing till winter!!!!!!!!!!! Just wondering how he could manage without one.

          I thought it was to tell the fan when to come on. Doh!!!

          I'll stick to what i know about Surfs. Turn key.....foot down.......steer!!!

          No problem m8. Your garage was correct to suggest a new thermostat. I trust you followed this advice?

          I used to have a surf me!


          • #6
            Originally posted by phoebelala
            No problem m8. Your garage was correct to suggest a new thermostat. I trust you followed this advice?


            Sure did, gettin new one fitted before the weekend.

            Should i just be takin it easy in the Surf since it's had a new head fitted?????? Not that i drive it hard at the best of times.
            www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


            • #7
              Originally posted by smithsurf
              Sure did, gettin new one fitted before the weekend.

              Should i just be takin it easy in the Surf since it's had a new head fitted?????? Not that i drive it hard at the best of times.

              Nah, just drive as normal. If fitted properly it will be fine.
              I used to have a surf me!


              • #8
                Originally posted by phoebelala
                Nah, just drive as normal. If fitted properly it will be fine.

                Excellent. Looks like i'll be hittin the open/closed roads this weekend

                Heading to the Isle of Barra at end of month so that'll be a great run for the Surf.
                www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

