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Turbo light on almost constantly

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  • Turbo light on almost constantly

    Is this okay? My dad think's it shouldn't be on as much. It is literally on 99% of driving time. It other ways drives fine. Can any one help or advise?

  • #2
    I think the turbo is on whenever the revs are above 2000 approx so yes you should see the light on most of the time.


    • #3
      1800 revs and above it will stay on, below 1800 it will go off. As most driving conditions require more than 1800 rpm, the turbo light will always be on, until you stop of course.


      • #4
        Thank you for quick replies!


        • #5
          poor little turbo needs to be on all the time to keep the car moving along. its a heavy lump
          Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


          • #6
            Originally posted by truckarms
            I think the turbo is on whenever the revs are above 2000 approx so yes you should see the light on most of the time.

            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            1800 revs and above it will stay on, below 1800 it will go off. As most driving conditions require more than 1800 rpm, the turbo light will always be on, until you stop of course.
            Hmmm. You guys must have a heavy foot. I can drive without the turbo light on at most speeds below about 90-100 KPH so long as the road is reasonably flat and no headwind to contend with. I find turbo operation is dependant on a combination of things such as speed, throttle position and road and weather conditions.



            • #7
              Originally posted by NiftyNev
              I find turbo operation is dependant on a combination of things such as speed, throttle position and road and weather conditions.

              Definatly Nev, I could drive carefully for miles on the motorway in my old 89' 2.4, and could keep the light off on all but hills at a steady 65ish.

              Its all about the intake pressure.
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                Where I live, everywhere you go is either up or down hill, so to get anywhere I gotta stomp on the go pedal or coast!
                The rest of the U.K. however, you have to drive defensively otherwise you get cars behind you trying to get under your rear bumper or trying to get into the gap between you and the vehicle in front, however small that gap is. Everyone seems to drive like they're late for something over here!

                Except people who read this forum of course!


                • #9
                  Other things that can contribute to the need for more go pedal and thus more need for turbo operation is the condition of brakes (are they operating freely or are the pads constantly rubbing on the discs,etc.) adjustment and condition of wheel bearings, gearbox, and diff lubrication and condition and lots of other little things that some seem to forget all about. I remember a couple of years ago after having to do up the front brakes after a piston seized and wore out one pad which scored the disk just how bad my brakes were. They were constantly putting pressure on the discs increasing wear and also decreasing economy. After rebuilding the calipers completely they now work brilliantly and the pads are always clear of the discs when the brake pedal is released. Some say it is normal for disc pads to be in contact with the discs.. All I can say is mine are not.



                  • #10
                    Saying you can drive most of the time without the turbo
                    light on is almost as bad as the myth of 28-30 mpg.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      Saying you can drive most of the time without the turbo
                      light on is almost as bad as the myth of 28-30 mpg.

                      I'll show you if you like. Just let me know when the plane gets in and I'll pick you up.


