I think I'm gradually answering my own questions - but in case someone out there knows I'll ask anyway.
The background goes back a few weeks from the time I changed the head on my 2.4TD. The usual problem - the old head cracked etc etc.
Anyway, did all the work, about 3 days in all, mostly because I really wanted to make sure everything went back as it should. Engine runs perfectly - no water loss - power and fuel economy as I remember it - so what's the problem?
First off the Oil Pressure Sensor lead had come off accidentally during all the work and I replaced it on the most obvious (and visible) point. This turned out to be an unused Oil Pressure Switch which gave me a maximum reading with the engine stalled and zero when running.
Took me a while to find the location of the sender which is tucked away very conveniently (and out of sight) under the exhaust about level with No. 4 cylinder about level with the Oil Filter. Attached plug and hey presto – nothing!!

To stress again, engine runs fine, sounds fine - but no oil pressure reading.
My thinking at the moment - and I would really like someone to confirm this one way or the other - is that the oilway to the sensor is from the head. What I think I have done is to fit the head gasket without removing all the alternative holes and that while the oil is being fed to the bottom end bearings (first), and then to the head and hence camshaft / rockers etc (second) that I have blocked access to the sensor (third).
Seems to me that it doesn't make any mechanical sense to feed the oil from the pump to the bottom end via the head as it's the bottom end that needs the oil most! But there is a sort of sense in taking the final feed to the sensor from the lowest pressure point in the system ie the back of the head after the camshaft etc.
Does anyone out there actually know how the oil gets fed around the engine. We all know where it’s got to go – but in what order and what general direction??
It would be nice to know the answer without having to take the head off again???!!!!!
One last question - if I do have to take the head off to replace / refit a new gasket - can I do it without having to remove the exhaust manifold and (especially) the inlet manifold and attendant pipework as they are a real ****??
War and Peace over.
Many thanks if you've got this far.