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Steering wheel shaft

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  • Steering wheel shaft

    Right while i was doing the body lift today i noticed daylight coming from a hole in the footwell . On closer inspection i found that the gromit/bush that is around the steering wheel shart is missing so there is a opening between the footwell and the engine compartment . Where can i get a replacement and are they easy to fit??????

  • #2
    Originally posted by Woodzie
    Right while i was doing the body lift today i noticed daylight coming from a hole in the footwell . On closer inspection i found that the gromit/bush that is around the steering wheel shart is missing so there is a opening between the footwell and the engine compartment . Where can i get a replacement and are they easy to fit??????
    Prob removed by a previous owner with a liking for deep water . Toyota will have a new one for you or just use duct tape.

    I used to have a surf me!

