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rear window wont do up?

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  • rear window wont do up?

    i undone the window when i went shopping this morning but went to do it up and its not moving i can hear something running like the motor over the sound of my engine but the window is just not coming up what could this be and how can i resolve it im stuck until i can get the window up?

  • #2
    It's probably the sprocket that drives the window mechanism that's worn and needs repairing or the motor replaced. See if you can pull the window up by hand at the same time turning the key to raise it.


    • #3
      will try that now just popping to dh works to see if he can sort it otherwise im going to have to run round the s$$$$yards how often do surfs turn up in these?


      • #4
        I just though, if the window is all the way down, you won't be able to grab it. You'll have to remove the tailgate panels to get to the glass/mechanism.
        Where abouts in south Wales are you? as I'm out and about tthis afternoon.


        • #5
          thanks for the advice i went to dh's works he managed to get the window up but it appears that the motor is the fault ive stopped panicking now thank god lol.thanks for the offer of help vince really appreciate it but we should be able to get it sorted now but our next problem is where to get a motor from?how much we should expect to pay?is it worth getting a second hand one ?and finally could the original be fixed in anyway?any advice appreciated thanks


          • #6
            Scroll down to bottom of this page, you'll see other threads with similar topic for you to browse, all you need to know will be in there.

            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #7
              window motor

              there are a few window motors on e-bay right now. I was watching to see what like a price people were offering and one last week went for £98. I remember seeing somewhere that the electric window motor of a Toyota Corrolla is a simmilar motor. Someone else from the forum can maybe confirm this. There is probably more chance of finding a Corrolla in the s$$$$yard than a Surf. Good luck!


              • #8
                yup the corolla passenger side will fit or if you dont have any luck the try nippon car spares they are in the yellow pages.i had to get 1 from them as i couldn't get 1 from a s c r a p p y down here and was charged £53 inc p&p

