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How many KM`s before your head cracked

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  • How many KM`s before your head cracked

    Just out of interest.
    For all of those unfortunate to have had a cylinder head crack on them, could you please post your milage on the vehicle when it went.

    I`m just interested to see if there is any sort of common link to how many miles/km`s the vehicle has done, although i know there could be other reasons like poor maintenance, not topping up etc.

  • #2
    80k ish, this has been well covered and I think the concenus of opinion was/is no link some do some don't, mine did.

    fix it move on.
    Should have bought a 3ltr


    • #3
      Mine has not gone (touch wood)and is serviced every 10k and 142000on the clock
      my mates on went at 115000k


      • #4
        Originally posted by Esamed
        80k ish, this has been well covered and I think the concenus of opinion was/is no link some do some don't, mine did.

        fix it move on.

        Bit harsh there Steve!!


        • #5
          mine is a 1992 2.4 auto and it cracked at 102,000 km which is about 62000 miles
          it's a blue 2.4 litre diesel monster


          • #6
            don't want to temp fate

            H reg, 64k fsh doing ok, tense couple of weeks recdently though.
            If it works ok then you need to modify it.


            • #7
              sigh...mines a 3 litre and it went at 125000km. On the plus side I've decided to keep it forever and treat it to a lift. I must have driven a dozen brand new hire cars lately and nothing comes close!


              • #8
                u/s head

                my head went at 113,000 km. Warning signs of tapping sound was obvious but I chose to ignore it, thinking it would be okay until next service. Fixed problem by fitting a re-con engine. It is just a pity that the only real problem that seems to haunt the Surf is such an expensive one.


                • #9
                  Mine went at 138,000km but that was more to do with the fact that the rad blew and I had not noticed until it was far too late
                  I am the friend of Hypno-Toad


                  • #10
                    You're assuming milages are correct when you got the car.

                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Bit harsh there Steve!!
                      Its a subject I don'y like to reflect on, year on still haven't paid it off.
                      Should have bought a 3ltr

                      No offense intended

                      Should have bought a 3ltr


                      • #12
                        Well according to Gordon Brown just now, If you can get your truck down to zero emmisions, you won't have to pay road tax!


                        • #13
                          mine has got that at moment cause its parked and I use the wifes 1.1 saxo or me bike. Surfs only needed to tow Horse trailer. Silly question but How or where do they get the emmisions figures from? Would I be correct in assuming from an MOT or from the manufacturers specs. If so what is the considered norm for a 2.4 surf?

                          Should have bought a 3ltr


                          • #14
                            I guess they'll get the figures from MOTs, but they may make up their own rules to please the tree huggers to make themselves look like a caring Government.
                            I'm not sure what the official Surf emmision figures are......


                            • #15
                              Sensibly, they should go by the MOT results every year, but that will be unmanageable so they'll probably group everyone in the manufacturers original figures so you have no incentive to try to run green fuels like veg oil.
                              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

