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Diesel Leak on Starting

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  • Diesel Leak on Starting

    Greetings, I have a 92 2.4TD Surf.
    Upon starting up this morning, after it being idle for a week, I noticed a diesel leak. Quite a bit was dripping out. I have switched off and restarted and no leak!! Any ideas what may have caused this,what I should check, is this usual, has anyone else had this etc?
    Any advice would be greatly receved.

    Many thanks.

  • #2
    fuel pump top seal?
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      A lot depends on where the diesel was leaking from. Was it out of the pump, the filter or the exhaust pipe?
      Mike G


      • #4
        Definitly not the filter and I could not see it coming out of the injectors, I'll keep an eye round the pump.
        Thanks for your response.


        • #5
          I had a leak on starting it seemed to come from the nearside rear of the engine but like yours it went away, i will keep an eye on mine and tell you where it came from. (if it happens again, it has done it twice i think) it could be a return pipe.
          it's a blue 2.4 litre diesel monster


          • #6
            i forgot to ask where are you in essex
            it's a blue 2.4 litre diesel monster


            • #7
              Had to have my pump overhauled to get it leak proof, but had ordered one from over the internet at same time, so if you want one to get you out of jam, have a look at e bay.[ Toyota Surf 2.4 Fuel pump purchased by mistake. paste this into the search and make me an offer!
              You could get this one over hauled and then have yours done then re-sell it again?
              Good luck either way mate…..


              • #8
                Apologies for late response, I'm a slow reader.
                Thanks for the offer, I'll just get the kit and replace the seals.
                My leak returned again, when the engine was switched off and it was cold.

                I'm in Rochford.

