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She no start!!!!

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  • She no start!!!!

    Right here we go, my surf was running fine and starting reasonable well for the last 12 months then I drove it about 10 miles parked up at home and left it, I returned to it less that 48hrs later and tried to start it, it span over slowly and almost started then the battery died, tried a jump start but no joy and since then have had no joy, I have replaced the batteries and glow plugs but have found out now that I am getting no fuel at the front injector. My next move is to check the fuel system the only question is where is the best place to start?

    Please god someone help me before I tow it to the nearest dock and throw it in

  • #2
    Have you replaced your fuel filter recently? is there water in the fuel filter? this can be drained out by unsrewing the white plastic wheel at the bottom of the fuel filter housing.
    How do you know there is no diesel reaching the number one injector?
    Loosen the fuel pipe that connects to the injector,and crank the engine till you see diesel spurting. ( get someone to crank the engine while you watch the injector). Repeat this with the other three injectors to make sure there is no air in the fuel.
    Also a diesel engine needs to spin fast to start, so make sure your batteries have a good charge.
    Is your glowplug fuse o.k. and not blown?
    Check the tension of the alternator belts, if slack they may be the cause of your batteries loosing their charge.


    • #3
      Thanx for the help,
      I have checked the full glow plug circuit and it is all fine (full votage swiching to half voltage). I know there is no fuel to the front injector as I have already taken the pipe off to check but I have not checked the rest yet. Do you think water in the filter or just a blocked filter would cause such a sudden fault?
      Also do surfs have an electric fuel pump at the tank as well as the main injector pump or does the one pump drag the fuel from the tank all the way to the injectors?


      • #4
        If the fault happened suddenly, then I would suspect the fuel pump.
        If it's not pumping fuel then the pump shaft could have sheared, or the pump sprocket that is driven by the timing belt has come loose and the woodruff key has fallen out or your timing belt has broken.


