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2.4 rear heater

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  • 2.4 rear heater

    The slider on my rear heater temp. control is missing,so do not know if temp is set hot/cold. Can i get a replacment. Also ,where is the 'blower' in the rear., or isthe controller just a secondary control for the front blowers., if you get my drift!!?
    regards. DEX

  • #2
    Is there a Heater there? On some SURFS rear heater was an option.


    • #3
      The blower is in the drivers arm rest, under the little storage thingy. undo the screws in the bottom of the storage area and the whole unit lifts up, if I'm remebering correctly.
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #4

        So is there an air chanel which pumps hot air from main matrix in the front,
        or something,

        I had an 88' landcruiser which shared this feature, really handy on cold mornings I remember,
        but don't know whether actual water was involved in moving between middle and front of car.
        Has anyone had theirs to bits?


        • #5
          there is a separate matrix under there and a fan. the pipes to it run under the truck, these are liable to clog if the heater hasnt been used for a bit (mine are solid!) if you disconnect both ends, stuff a hose pipe on it to clear it, if that dont work, apparently an air line will do it... had mine apart, its all pretty simple.
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6

            As a feature, and for rear passengers its quite good really.

            Nevert actually thought about it to much before!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Maverick
              The blower is in the drivers arm rest, under the little storage thingy. undo the screws in the bottom of the storage area and the whole unit lifts up, if I'm remebering correctly.

              thanks for that maverick and to the other lads who answered my questions.

              i have had a good look round today, and found blowers at bottom of central 'armrest/storage area' also found a high/low switch on back of armrest not working, got this switch operating after a while and 'hey presto' , heater fan running, and is hot. Still cant control temp. but can live with that until i locate a new 'slider' control. The main thing is that the heater IS now working. thanks again lads.

              regards DEX


              • #8
                I use mine for drying the dogs out, when you switch it on theres is this mad rush to get by the blowers.
                Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Maverick
                  I use mine for drying the dogs out, when you switch it on theres is this mad rush to get by the blowers.

                  I once had a dog , named him Blackie (short for Blacksmith). Called him that coz when ever i shouted at him, he'd make a bolt for the door!!!

                  Why is it, that if you blow in a dogs face, he gets mad.
                  Take him out for a drive, and he cant wait to hang his head out the window!

                  Regards DEX


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DexterSurf
                    Why is it, that if you blow in a dogs face, he gets mad.
                    Take him out for a drive, and he cant wait to hang his head out the window!

                    Regards DEX
                    A dogs sense of smell is extremely sensitive. Perhaps we all have bad breath according to them.


