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Now where do these leads go...

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  • Now where do these leads go...

    Hi al

    It's a long time since I posted but I've been under the truck a bit much lately!

    I've finally managed to put a new engine in my surf, a 2LT. Thing is, I have 2 ring connectors on about 3 gauge wire that I don't have a clue where they go. They are on the same loom section that goes to the starter and when looking from the front of the engine are to the right of it, about at the same level as the starter when they are left to hang. I don't have a read out on my pressure gauge, and the heater plug light comes on only vriefly and goes out straight away. The plugs don't seem to be heating but the bus bar has power going to it. Does anyone have any idea what the'se leads are and what they connect to? One is red I think and one is black with ring connectors on the end.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated as starting in this weather is impossible and having no idea of oil pressure is just plain annnoying!

    Just gotta finish doing the next mod...

  • #2
    They sound like the wires that go in the post underneath the intake manifold, right in the middle.

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Originally posted by TonyN
      They sound like the wires that go in the post underneath the intake manifold, right in the middle.

      Not entirely sure where you mean, or how something goes in a post, i can't really see much under there :S. do you have a pic that you could put an arrow on?
      Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


      • #4
        Glowplug relay wires ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          Glowplug relay wires ?
          Really not sure... Is there another manifold heater plug hidden under there at all? Or some kind of temperature sensor?
          Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


          • #6
            Hang on, I'll go and have a look under my truck...............


            • #7
              The only red and black wires I can see in that area,(without taking parts off the engine) are the two wires that go into a grey connector thats clipped to the side of the fuel pump.


              • #8
                Sounds like they are the glow plug resistor cables.
                if they are then As TonyN said they go on the post under the manifold
                that post is the glow plug resistor (basicaly another glow plug)
                If they are not connected you will still have "super glow" until the timer relay cuts out, but no "after glow" (period of reduced glow plug heat determined by engine temp)
                This is because during "afterglow" the resistor and the glow plugs are connected in series giving approx half voltage at the plugs.
                Now the messy part. Some models of LN130 have a glow plug current sensor. My neighbours does, mine doesn't. Same model and year !!!!!!
                Mine will start with the glow plug resistor disconnected but run rough.
                Neibours will not start at all with glow plug resistor disconnected.
                If your loose cables are not the ones for the glow plug resistor then please feel free to ignore all this babble Iv'e had a few

                Happy new year
                hope that helps

                Normal is just a wash setting.


                • #9
                  If one has a 6mm hole and one a 12mm hole they are the terminals that go to the underside of the inlet manifold. Absolute b**ch to fit when engine is complete. You need to put the larger holed one on first, then the spacer, then the smaller holed one and then a 6mm (10mm head) nut! Good luck if that is what they are.

