Goddamit this ****** surf will evetually be the death of me so it will.
Just changed the injectors and the glowplugs.
Problem 1.
Glow pug fuse gone (second time in 6 months), ok, no real issue there, just a few scuffed knuckles and colonial language and we are back in business.
Problem 2
I had presumed the oil leak I have is a result of the split in the rocker cover gasket, turns out not so. The leak appears to be coming from the head. Lots of loud swearing and colonial sailor’s language. Take said jeep back to Yota, who only fitted new head etc in may. They tell me the oil is coming from a breather pipe. My pistons and rings are too worn.
I don’t even have 100,000 miles yet WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORN!!!!
So I’ll rumble on with it now until the engine dies and then replace it with either another surf or different engine (hmmm would a Hummer Diesel fit?), maybe if I can find a nice 3lt!!
SSOoo Problem 3
Whilst removing various pipes there are two sensors in the unti with the rad cap. 1 is the sender to the tempreture gauge, the other is a water level sensor that operates the fan at the front of the radiator. Now the fan is on all the time and my turbo light is not working, the vehicle thinks it is over heating on itself. Just to add insult to injury while my engine runs smoothly it really feels like I’m towing 1.5 tons behind me and I have more grunt in my old Massey 165, couplemthat to the fact that Yota tell me the part on their computer does not exisit as it is ‘not applicable’. Not happy
. It feels like the surf is running in ‘safe home’ mode. This is more perplexing that anything else.
So chaps, any comments on the above? What is wrong with my turbo? Will shaggy really eat all of the scooby snacks?
Answers on a post card………..
Just changed the injectors and the glowplugs.
Problem 1.
Glow pug fuse gone (second time in 6 months), ok, no real issue there, just a few scuffed knuckles and colonial language and we are back in business.
Problem 2
I had presumed the oil leak I have is a result of the split in the rocker cover gasket, turns out not so. The leak appears to be coming from the head. Lots of loud swearing and colonial sailor’s language. Take said jeep back to Yota, who only fitted new head etc in may. They tell me the oil is coming from a breather pipe. My pistons and rings are too worn.

I don’t even have 100,000 miles yet WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORN!!!!
So I’ll rumble on with it now until the engine dies and then replace it with either another surf or different engine (hmmm would a Hummer Diesel fit?), maybe if I can find a nice 3lt!!
SSOoo Problem 3
Whilst removing various pipes there are two sensors in the unti with the rad cap. 1 is the sender to the tempreture gauge, the other is a water level sensor that operates the fan at the front of the radiator. Now the fan is on all the time and my turbo light is not working, the vehicle thinks it is over heating on itself. Just to add insult to injury while my engine runs smoothly it really feels like I’m towing 1.5 tons behind me and I have more grunt in my old Massey 165, couplemthat to the fact that Yota tell me the part on their computer does not exisit as it is ‘not applicable’. Not happy

So chaps, any comments on the above? What is wrong with my turbo? Will shaggy really eat all of the scooby snacks?
Answers on a post card………..
