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tickover variation when heater on

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  • tickover variation when heater on

    hi i wonder if anyone has had this problem and can advise me today my surf
    when stood at lights started missing on idle . could feel the judder through the car , so i drove further but as i came to another set of lights the same , i turned heater of and problem disapeared , so i tried it again and it started missing ,anybody any ideas cheers john

  • #2
    Originally posted by wakeyblue
    hi i wonder if anyone has had this problem and can advise me today my surf
    when stood at lights started missing on idle . could feel the judder through the car , so i drove further but as i came to another set of lights the same , i turned heater of and problem disapeared , so i tried it again and it started missing ,anybody any ideas cheers john

    When electrical appliances fan blowers rear windows lights etc are all on I find they drain power from the system which is apparent on tickover even with diesel engines. turn all the gear off and the idle picks up and settles down.

    did you have lots of stuff on.

    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


    • #3
      Originally posted by wakeyblue
      hi i wonder if anyone has had this problem and can advise me today my surf
      when stood at lights started missing on idle . could feel the judder through the car , so i drove further but as i came to another set of lights the same , i turned heater of and problem disapeared , so i tried it again and it started missing ,anybody any ideas cheers john

      maybe alt not throwing out enough power when various bits of electrics are on. Do the lights go bright and dim when you rev it at idle.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        It could also be that your battery is a bit duff and alternator is doing all the work.

        The only thing that makes my engine run a little lumpy is if I keep my finger on the window up/down button after the window is full up/down.

        Somebody did a calculation of all the electrical gizmos on the Surf and, if you have everyithing going at once, the alternator is only just adequate for the job.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
          It could also be that your battery is a bit duff and alternator is doing all the work.

          The only thing that makes my engine run a little lumpy is if I keep my finger on the window up/down button after the window is full up/down.

          Somebody did a calculation of all the electrical gizmos on the Surf and, if you have everyithing going at once, the alternator is only just adequate for the job.

          hi thanks for you help all , i noticed that the aircon switch was on and the indication light for the aircon is real dim ,i turned it off went for a run today
          and all seemed ok great site this !!!! cheers john

