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transfer box question please

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  • transfer box question please

    hey all,noob here.
    im wanting to do a v8 engine mod to my 92 2.4 ltr surf.i need to fit a 5 speed transfer case to do the mod.my question is -will the said 5 speed transfer case fit in place of my auto one.
    thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Originally posted by kennyrodg
    hey all,noob here.
    im wanting to do a v8 engine mod to my 92 2.4 ltr surf.i need to fit a 5 speed transfer case to do the mod.my question is -will the said 5 speed transfer case fit in place of my auto one.
    thanks in advance.
    I would read up a bit more on transmission systems and ask again later
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
      I would read up a bit more on transmission systems and ask again later
      great advice!... i'd do that too!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        I think he wants to convert from Auto to Manual transmission.



        • #5
          what engine and box are you fitting?

          anything's possible, just depends on your ability.

          either fit box that goes with engine, or keep auto box.

          auto box will need adapter plate for the bellhousing
          transplant box will need new mountings fabricated, prop modified etc.
          but you'll need mountings for motor anyway, so why not?
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Originally posted by da SLUG man
            what engine and box are you fitting?

            anything's possible, just depends on your ability.

            either fit box that goes with engine, or keep auto box.

            auto box will need adapter plate for the bellhousing
            transplant box will need new mountings fabricated, prop modified etc.
            but you'll need mountings for motor anyway, so why not?
            You can only get a V8 plate for the manual box i believe.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kennyrodg
              hey all,noob here.
              im wanting to do a v8 engine mod to my 92 2.4 ltr surf.i need to fit a 5 speed transfer case to do the mod.my question is -will the said 5 speed transfer case fit in place of my auto one.
              thanks in advance.
              What V8? If its a Rover the easist option is to bin the lot, and use a 5 speed box and T/case with a bellhousing convertion from a UK hilux pickup, then you don't have to worry about all the ECU connections, vacuum and electric 4wd shift stuff, and then perminatly lock the ADD and fit manual hubs

              If your talking yank V8, you'd be better off with the whole engine/gearebox/transfer from the doner car.

              A 5 speed t/case won't fit your auto if that what you asking.
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                hi folks.
                thanks for the replies.sorry i didnt post back,ive been away.
                ok here goes.im wanting to use a chevyV8.the company i spoke to only do an adapter plate to fit the chevy auto transmission to a transfer case from a toyota 5 speed manual,they quoted a hilux or a 4-runner.as my car is the 2.4 diesel with auto transmission and has the wrong transfer box for the adapter my question is:will the transfer box from the manual transmission fit my car,ie mounting points,linkages etc-if you get my drift.
                i hope that makes sense
                thanks in advance of your replies.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kennyrodg
                  hi folks.
                  thanks for the replies.sorry i didnt post back,ive been away.
                  ok here goes.im wanting to use a chevyV8.the company i spoke to only do an adapter plate to fit the chevy auto transmission to a transfer case from a toyota 5 speed manual,they quoted a hilux or a 4-runner.as my car is the 2.4 diesel with auto transmission and has the wrong transfer box for the adapter my question is:will the transfer box from the manual transmission fit my car,ie mounting points,linkages etc-if you get my drift.
                  i hope that makes sense
                  thanks in advance of your replies.
                  OK, that makes more sence, and the answer is not directly, there are different crossmembers for different t/cases. you'd probably need to alter the crossmember to line it up, but its not the end of the world Auto's have a chain driven T/case, UK manual trucks have a gear driven T/case.

                  Look here for info on t/case difference's, they cover most options....

                  Mostly it the splines and shaft lenghts.

                  Where are you getting you adapter from?
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    hi tony.
                    ive spoken to the guys at advance adapters in the states,it was them who told me i needed the transfer case from the 5 speed.im thinking along the lines of something like this http://eshop.advanceadapters.com/com...roduct_id=1476

                    i see from your sig that you have a V8 truck.could you give me any pointers
                    perhaps.another way i could go is to use a toyota 5 speed manual box but then i'd need to fit a clutch pedal etc,etc.do you have any thoughts?????

                    at around £300 for the adapter its a decent price for me.


                    • #11
                      Hi kennyrodg,

                      I have just had another look at my reply and I guess it looks a little rude ( I suppse I was feeling a little cranky or something). I didn;t mean it to sound as dismissive as it came across. Glad you are getting some valid advice from the forum.
                      It's only a hobby!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kennyrodg
                        hi tony.
                        ive spoken to the guys at advance adapters in the states,it was them who told me i needed the transfer case from the 5 speed.im thinking along the lines of something like this http://eshop.advanceadapters.com/com...roduct_id=1476

                        i see from your sig that you have a V8 truck.could you give me any pointers
                        perhaps.another way i could go is to use a toyota 5 speed manual box but then i'd need to fit a clutch pedal etc,etc.do you have any thoughts?????

                        at around £300 for the adapter its a decent price for me.
                        If you can sort out what adapter to use, the chevy box might be a better bet, according the ozzie site, 2.4 surfs use a 26 spline t/case, and advance adaptors list some kits for that, but its only guess work as they've never seen a Deisel Surf in the US.

                        Trouble is both places are so far away to get it wrong!

                        General pointers are, I used a Rover V8 and B/W 65 from a SD1, and made a tailshaft adapter to fit my 4 speed t/case (this has a shifter in the top of the t/case, so adapter was easy) but it moved the lever back quite a bit, so the center consol/rear heater might need some work.

                        Do a 2" body lift, give you lots more room around the top of the gearbox and engine bellhousing.

                        I'd probably get in contact with Marks 4wd (the ozzie site I posted) and try and pin down what you need and if they'd ship it to the UK.

                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #13
                          no offence taken,but thanx anyway.

                          thanx tony.it looks like the smallblock chevy and the th350 box is the way to go.i tried something like this on an old patrol.i didnt do my my research though and ended up building a ford v8.i got the thing built and then found out that marks had discontinued the adapter for the ford tranny.now to find a decent 305 chevy v8.
                          thanks for all your advice.
                          for my next trick ive got to figure out how to stop my 2.4 td from spewing the coolant out everytime i go further than the shops in it.its got less than a 1000 k's on a new head as well.welcome to the world of the toyota surf eh.

                          thanks again.

