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cooling system modification

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  • cooling system modification

    hi folks well i done my fuel pump seals and its pefect no more leaks!!!!!
    i decided to do a little modification to my cooling system to allow bleeding air a little more easier and for less than 5 quid it works a treat.
    notice i also replaced the thermostat as it was less than satisfactory though still operational,, with another offset one

    hope this helps you guys

    see my post for fuel pump issues


    msn markieboy306@hotmail.co.uk
    Attached Files

  • #2
    nice mod!

    so you bleed air out, just like a central heating rad?
    Landcruiser Colorado
    Sub. Forester


    • #3
      exactly open both heater controls to hot,get the motor running rad cap off keep it topping up, good to utilise the old upside down coke bottle with the bottom cut off to keep the water higher than the valve close the valve once the water appears to flow without bubles then periodicly open slightly n watch those bubbles dissapear.rplace the cap get it up to normal temp then recheck once its cooled.

      ensure your expansion bottle is at the right level
      interesting point if you have air/water leaks in the system you will not draw water in from the expansion bottle as air will be drawn in from where you have a leak.. hence bottle level ok,, but under the cap its low... good sign of leak



      • #4
        i got one of them! also handy, you can hook a hose pipe up to it and flush the system through,while drinking a cup of tea..
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          i got one of them! also handy, you can hook a hose pipe up to it and flush the system through,while drinking a cup of tea..

          the great thing about this is you can hook a hose up to it and feed it back into the rad cap filler,,, hey presto brill


          • #6
            Originally posted by tigger
            the great thing about this is you can hook a hose up to it and feed it back into the rad cap filler,,, hey presto brill
            the final steps in the system done today and it worked a treat
            Attached Files


            • #7
              What size fittings did you use for the blled valve, I've got a 15mm but it looks too small for the pipe you've used on the photos. I don't want to cut into it and have a long walk to get a bigger bleed valve


              • #8
                it is 15mm fittings, with a straight joiner soldered on to increase the outside diameter. no leaks yet!
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chillitt
                  it is 15mm fittings, with a straight joiner soldered on to increase the outside diameter. no leaks yet!
                  i've used 13mm and had no problems, i used the old coke bottle upside down on the filler with a rubber seal and ran it up to temp whilst mainting a higher than idle rev which really pumped that coolant through the hose. just done a full tank full of journeys with no drop in water

