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Not a problem more of a question

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  • Not a problem more of a question

    Is there any way of getting the turbo to kick in earlier to give more pulling power to lower end of the torque band cos my old girl dont like towing bunny (thats a suzi 413) up hill from a standing start...eg gets to top of 1st gear rev band go for second and lose all the revs then struggles to get reving again,so its back into 1st.
    If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

  • #2
    TonyN or one of the other 'profesional' mechanics may give you a better answer, how ever here is my attempt!

    A turbo 'boost point' depends primarly on is diameter - the biger the turbo is the more exuast gas it needs to spin up to spead and the later it will kick in.

    A small turbo will give a power boost much earlier - but the the level of power increase will thus be smaller.

    Work is on going on turbos that are electrically driven as well as one that works at a much lower turbine spead (approx half I think). these turbos will be much less dependant on a realative high engine spead before delivering a performace increase.

    A supercharger would solve this problem as it provides a boost straight away, but some extra power is required to drive the charger.

    Hope this helps explain the problem - maybe TonyN or some can explain waste gates and dump valves!


    • #3
      To be honest, Andy got it spot on. Smaller turbo spins up quicker.

      However one way of forcing it is a larger output front exhaust pipe - that is why the common mod of fitting a 3 inch dump pipe helps. It allows the turbo to spin up faster because the resistance on the output side is less. A turbo spins up when the exhaust gas passes it, if it can pass faster either by restricting the throat diameter on the input which speeds up the airflow or increasing the exit pipe diameter which reduces resistance and effectively increases the input to output diameter ratio and decreases the output pressure.

      The airflow mirrors that of wind - air rushes into areas of low pressure from areas of high pressure. The input is the high pressure side, the output is the low pressure side. If you can reduce the output pressure or increase the input pressure you will increase airflow over the turbo vanes and therfore spreed up the airflow.



      • #4
        heehee did you notice that you used the word 'pressure' 7 times in one post?



        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          heehee did you notice that you used the word 'pressure' 7 times in one post?

          feeling bored by any chance??

          or are you sensitive to the word "pressure"?
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            hehehe how can you tell?
            It's all too much pressure!


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              heehee did you notice that you used the word 'pressure' 7 times in one post?

              Yeah I did (in a southern drawl)
              Thanks guys and belive it or not I understood every word (honest) now all I got to do is figure out how to use this info and use this extra PRESSURE any
              If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


              • #8
                To get more pressure, you need to Squeeze harder!


                • #9
                  Try squirting propane down the intake.

                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    If you could set it up that you inject no2 or propane under load but before the turbo cuts in that will cut your lag to almost nill. diy no2 http://www.diy-nitrous.fsnet.co.uk/n...s-designer.htm
                    diy propane/lpg injection http://www.mrsharkey.com/lpg.htm
                    you would have a pressure switch so that when you reach a point in your boost the no2/lpg cuts out,I`d like to do this but no time,funny that there is always enough time to go shopping but never enough to allow me to play with truck/shed discuss?
                    Last edited by ssray; 7 November 2005, 12:46.


                    • #11
                      As an aside - NO2 (Nitrous Oxide) is the perfect companion for Diesel and very little risk to your engine!

                      NO2 Helps increase the efficiency of the burn, thus producing more power (as well as lower emissions by the way)

                      I looked into having a gas conversion when I 1st got my Smurf and found that you had 2 possible options

                      a) Produce more power - thus go faster

                      b) Run the engine more efficiently thus go further for the same amount of fuel

                      How ever I couldn't find any one in this country that was capable of doing such work with out charging an arm and a pair of legs.

                      Finally, yes I am bored at work and I did all this with out using the P*****e word once.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Andy Dawson

                        I looked into having a gas conversion when I 1st got my Smurf and found that you had 2 possible options

                        a) Produce more power - thus go faster

                        b) Run the engine more efficiently thus go further for the same amount of fuel

                        How ever I couldn't find any one in this country that was capable of doing such work with out charging an arm and a pair of legs.
                        Medieval Dave has a propane assist kit on his 2.4, he fitted it himself.
                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          heehee did you notice that you used the word 'pressure' 7 times in one post?

                          Must have a Turbo on my work then - that's all I get - pressure!!

