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quick update on non-starting

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  • quick update on non-starting

    the original thread seems to have vanished, but just to update, the surf now starts and runs as it always should have done. Sorting the timing got it spot on. It even idles with no smoke whatsoever!! (although I do still feel sorry for anyoen behind when i accelerate )

    flushing the cooling system out, just with water thus far, has made it run at about half the temp it used to run at as well! Ideal!

    ..now I just have to go and see where the small amount of steam was coming from when i got to work this morning doh!

    Couldn't have done without your help though guys to thanks!! The system works
    The right to bear arms...only slightly more ridicu

  • #2
    You could have a small split in the seam at the top of the rad like I did.
    I only noticed mine when the coolant got hot and weeped out.
    A wire brush, blowlamp ,flux and solder sorted mine.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      You could have a small split in the seam at the top of the rad like I did.
      I only noticed mine when the coolant got hot and weeped out.
      A wire brush, blowlamp ,flux and solder sorted mine.

      ahhhhhhh yes, of course...that could well be where I slipped with the..er..stanley knife, when I was, um, adjusting (no I did NOT lose my temper with a stiff hose.....) one of the rad hoses. Will check later.
      The right to bear arms...only slightly more ridicu

