Due to me getting the wrong air filter from the motorfactors, then taking out the existing one to compare it to, I completely forgot and drove the Surf around the block (perhaps 2 miles) with no air filter in.
Am I likely to have done any damage???
The new air filter I got is slightly too big, and has large green rubber edges, whereas the old one is pretty small and has a metal outer casing. I supplied the Toyota part number listed in the FAQs section to the motorfactors, so anyone know why it doesn't fit? Are there different sizes of filter airbox and can I just trim it slightly with a stanley knife, or should I take it back and try to get something else?
Am I likely to have done any damage???
The new air filter I got is slightly too big, and has large green rubber edges, whereas the old one is pretty small and has a metal outer casing. I supplied the Toyota part number listed in the FAQs section to the motorfactors, so anyone know why it doesn't fit? Are there different sizes of filter airbox and can I just trim it slightly with a stanley knife, or should I take it back and try to get something else?