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Radiator Cap

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  • Radiator Cap

    OK, just bought a new radiator cap and thermostat from my local PartCo in an attempt to fix my small overheating problem (see another thread). The Rad Cap that has been supplied is made by BluePrint, and has 0.9 embossed on it. I presume that this is the pressure rating. I've read in another thread on hear that the cap should be rated at 1.1bar. Should I use the new cap, or might it cause problems, or should I order one from Milners?


    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!

  • #2
    Thats the same cap rating as mine, and has been fine so far.
    Better to be under the limit than over.


    • #3
      The higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point of the water but the more physical stress is put on the system. Mines 0.9bar and it works fine.

      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


      • #4
        0.9 is the correct cap for the 2.4s.I think the 3 Ltr has a 1.1.



        • #5
          I think that 0.9 is the same rating for all of them as standard. If you can get a 1.1 bar one it is better as it will allow the cooling system to pressurise more keeping it from boiling, however because of the increased pressure before the cap opens, the cooing system needs to be in good shape, no weping hoses, corroded radiator etc.


          • #6
            Yep 0.9 is standard, although there is a TRD version rated at 1.1.
            My friends Skyline uses the same caps - the OEM ones were all made by Denso.


            • #7
              OK thanks all for the info.

              Looks like I'm not going to get a chance to drain/flush/refit the stuff until the weekend. Fingers crossed.
              Paul </Slugsie>
              Immortal.so far!


              • #8
                I would just like to add........................... .................
                My viscous fan was in need of a refill of oil but I couldn't be a45ed with all that faffing about trying to find the right fluid and measuring the quantities, so I took it off, drilled three holes at equal distances around the centre and fitted some nuts and bolts through it so it's fix solid.
                So the fan is working all the time now, and it's not that noisy either.


                • #9
                  good man ! wheres me drill?
                  it's in me shed, mate.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    I would just like to add........................... .................
                    My viscous fan was in need of a refill of oil but I couldn't be a45ed with all that faffing about trying to find the right fluid and measuring the quantities, so I took it off, drilled three holes at equal distances around the centre and fitted some nuts and bolts through it so it's fix solid.
                    So the fan is working all the time now, and it's not that noisy either.
                    let us know if that works coz if it does mines going to get bolted up, towed caravan to last weeks offroad do in wrexham and had to stop half way up every hill to let it cool down( i dont under stand but it takes 60 seconds or so to cool down) not good as the hills out number the flat bits up here.
                    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                    • #11
                      Yep, works fine.
                      And it don't 'alf shift the air now too!


                      • #12
                        I put too much silicon fluid in fan last year, when refilling it.
                        And fan was on all time, I then found power was reduced slightly
                        AND mpg dropped from 24-25,down to 21-23
                        so emptied some fluid out. as didnt want to waste the fuel on it.

                        now it comes on 1st thing when starting out, and also when I am sitting at traffic lights etc and pull away the fan roars for a few seconds.
                        Landcruiser Colorado
                        Sub. Forester


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          Yep, works fine.
                          And it don't 'alf shift the air now too!
                          have you towed since locking it up and does it roar when you rev the beast??
                          Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                          • #14
                            I don't tow, I aint got a towbar.
                            Yep it does roar but it's not that loud, I can still hear the turbo whistling. I only notice more when pulling away.
                            Besides, I'm not into loud music in my cars, I've always liked to listen to whats going on up front under the hood.
                            I also removed all my air con gubbins, and that weighs a lot, so as for fuel consumption they cancel each other out......less weight, less fuel burned to get rollin'.


                            • #15
                              heres an idea, i'm going to stick some silicon bathroom sealer in mine tonite, cos that can be undone easier than undrilling holes...
                              it's in me shed, mate.

