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Surf rally

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  • Surf rally

    Dear all

    I'd never owned a modern motor before I purchased my surf on sun 21/8/05.
    Instead Iv'e always ran classic/vintage cars. Before I used to travel to annual events around uk inorder to get the crack and advice from like minded folks Iv'e formed some brilliant friendships over the years. Not to mention the rosting good BBQs and plenty of cheep wine and beer.

    I have recently moved on from the classics because I no longer have the space to work on the vehicles due to moving house. I felt the surf was bullet proof and that it would live outside.

    I was kind of missing my Sunbeam Alpine and some other motors which had been part of the family

    Anyway having driven the surf which as you know cracked up on my way home I found the forum and now realise that you don't have to drive something over 30yrs old to get the same kindred spirit.

    All that remains is to get my surf surfin and find out where you guys have the barbie and the beer. Do we have an annual event and if not would anyone be interested in attending one. I'd organise a wee West Highland Rally if there is enough interest or travel south to join any that are already up and running.

    Cheers John
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    John we all seem to do our own meets locally to our area. We have had big meets at LANGDALE QUEST in Yorkshire im sure there are some members near you that are willing to have some FUN. I think its about time us Folk in Northern ENGLAND invaded DEVILS PIT near Bedford & meet our Southern FRIENDS.


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      John we all seem to do our own meets locally to our area. We have had big meets at LANGDALE QUEST in Yorkshire im sure there are some members near you that are willing to have some FUN. I think its about time us Folk in Northern ENGLAND invaded DEVILS PIT near Bedford & meet our Southern FRIENDS.

      Now that would be good fun!


      • #4
        marky would have to get her muddy then guys
        bring it on
        the pit rules
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          Originally posted by pops
          marky would have to get her muddy then guys
          bring it on
          the pit rules
          Found a nice man Who will let me borrow a big white marquee Should have a field for the venue and camping will know by next month re costs should have some off road sections for those who like to get dirty I should get hold of a Publican to put on a bar etc and some local lads to play the music if Theres enough interest and I get some figures together then The 2006 surfing ceilidh could be a goer.

          We could have some mud slinging or shiny motor events and s£&t or welly throwing watever. I'm perpared to put in the leg work and find a price to cover campin BBQ etc if there's enough interest.

          I'm half way between Fort William and Mallaig at a wee place called Arieniskill.
          Glenfinnan could be a good place to hold it under the Glenfinnan/ now known as Harry potter viaduct.
          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


          • #6
            I think its really generous of you to go to all this trouble to organise it!!
            It's a heck of a long drive for us southerners, but if it was a weekend, or long weekend do with plenty of notice we'd try to come up. Maybe better to arrange for late spring/Easter? when there is still lots of mud, but weather is getting warmer for camping? We generally all bring along BBQ food, and a few mobile BBQ's and do the food ourselves to save on cost. If there is a local off road site try doing the off roading there - saves on the organisation!!

            There is likely to be a BIG party next summer down south too,,,,,,.....

            Originally posted by Highlander1
            Found a nice man Who will let me borrow a big white marquee Should have a field for the venue and camping will know by next month re costs should have some off road sections for those who like to get dirty I should get hold of a Publican to put on a bar etc and some local lads to play the music if Theres enough interest and I get some figures together then The 2006 surfing ceilidh could be a goer.

            We could have some mud slinging or shiny motor events and s£&t or welly throwing watever. I'm perpared to put in the leg work and find a price to cover campin BBQ etc if there's enough interest.

            I'm half way between Fort William and Mallaig at a wee place called Arieniskill.
            Glenfinnan could be a good place to hold it under the Glenfinnan/ now known as Harry potter viaduct.



            • #7
              I would be interested in a big Surf Day or Weekend with enough notice and what a beautiful part of the word to tour through.
              I like Orientals


              • #8
                i,d be up for a trip over the border, love Scotland beautiful place,

                BIG party down south?? wots that all about then



                • #9
                  Originally posted by ship
                  i,d be up for a trip over the border, love Scotland beautiful place,

                  BIG party down south?? wots that all about then

                  Nice to get some interest, hopefully We can get access to include some forestry off limit sections for those off road rugged types. if I can secure there's a section through the hills between Glenfinnan and Polloch. It could be part of a treasure hunt/whisky trail round Strontian area. Check the map I ran from Derby to home in 8 hours kept to speed limit ish.
                  M6, M74,M73 M8,A82 Crianlarich then Fort William and onto road To the Isles for 30mins.
                  www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

